if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow

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This is the worst istg I just wanted to finish with "the 1" chapter so I could soon introduce Rossi and try to write my own cases, I know it's rushed but it'll get better (hopefully) anyway you can be completely vicious on me about this one
Also I changed the story name tell me if you have better suggestions
2x19 | 2x20 | 2x23

"Ashes and Dust" | "Honor Among Thieves" | "The Evilolution of Frank"

There isn't description but it's better to be safe than sorry

They fought again last night and for the usual reasons his work, his absence and how much she needs him home. the only reason they stopped was because Jack woke up crying from their yelling.

Usually when they had a fight about that Aaron would manage to calm her down they will talk and even though the issue wasn't resolved they would make up. but now he gave up before even trying he just couldn't Haley wouldn't let him so he didn't say anything and went straight to the couch Aaron knew the last place Haley would want him in is their bed, their lack of communication made their relationship difficult.

He woke up with a sore neck, and a strange feeling as if time stood still, expecting for something to happen he felt discomfort, Aaron didn't know how to name this feeling but he knew it was a bad one so he convinced himself it was because of the fight he and Haley had last night. He sighed as he realized he had lingered on the couch for too long, he quickly got up and regretted that the minute the pain hit him. he really hated that couch, he missed his bed.

It was early and they had a case so he tried not to wake his family, he showered put on his suit along with a dark red tie and decided to get himself a cup of coffee in the office, he already knew he made a lot of noise and he didn't want to risk getting into another fight with Haley it was too early for that so he figured he'll call her later.

Hotch gave the team their assignments after JJ finished briefing them, "You took the burn ward last time" Gideon said when Hotch stated he'll go to see Charlotte Cutler, Gideon knew how hard it can be and he found it strange Hotch chose to go there alone but Hotch told him it's fine and he didn't insist. Emily noticed that, she could see that it wasn't fine but he still chose to go she couldn't understand why.

She was the last one to leave the room but she stopped at the door, she watched him his eyes on the files in front of him she was thinking whether to check on him or leave him alone.
Aaron knew she was there but he ignored her presence, he could sense she was struggling deciding whether to talk to him or not

"Are you okay?" Emily said as she stepped away from the door she was starting to feel a part of the team now she didn't feel like she had to prove herself to any of them but she still hesitated she was worried about him but she didn't know if she was allowed to, he was her boss and even though they talked and were in much better terms now she didn't know how he'll react to her asking a personal question

"Yeah I'm fine" he said closing the case file and collecting his belongings he still wasn't meeting her eyes, Emily didn't believe him she was always able to see through him, she remembered when she first met Penelope she told her how Hotch can act cold at first and Emily could see what she meant but for her he was still transparent she could see when something was bothering him even when he wasn't able to acknowledge it.

"do you think I can join you?... visiting Charlotte Cutler?" she won't push him she didn't want to so she offered joining him that way she'll be able to keep an eye on him, Aaron looked up from his files "It won't be easy" he knew she wanted to come because he was heading there alone, normally he'll get defensive but he couldn't now- he was thankful she suggested it but he didn't want to say yes immediately he wanted her to be certain she wants to come knowing what they could be witnessing he didn't know why he decided to go alone maybe it was the bad feeling he woke up with today

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