But I'm here in your doorway

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"Garcia what do you have on Mark Johnson?" Aaron said as he and Emily entered the room, making the rest of the team turn around to face them, Garcia started working immediately

"Apparently the reason Ethan stooped hanging out with them was because they were in a car crash that resulted in Mark's death" Aaron told them

Aaron explained that Ethan told them him and the victims were in a party and had been drinking, they had no way to go back home so they offered Mark Johnson a boy they never met a ride suggesting he'll be the driver because he looked sober, Ethan said they didn't know he was drunk and they got into an accident that caused him to die

the reason Garcia couldn't find anything about it was because they didn't get seriously injured and Nathan's mother made sure with her connections they won't be effected by the accident, they got to live their lives and Ethan couldn't do that he blamed himself so he ended their friendship.

"Another dead lead?" Morgan asked desperately after hearing the story

"Not really my light, Mark Johnson died two weeks ago" Garcia revealed making Aaron frown how was that possible?

"the crush left him dependent on life support and he was unplugged two weeks ago" Garcia said this was exactly when the killing started

"does he have any family?" Aaron asked he felt like they were close

"Only his father the mother left when the crush took place" she said sadly

"could his father be killing those men because he sees them responsible for his child's death?" Emily asked. Her assumption made sense to them all especially with the timing they knew it could be the stressor

Garcia didn't need to be told to check his father history she already looked through it "We don't have much on him either, William Johnson he used to work in a big company but quit around the time of his son's crash, he didn't have any permanent job ever since"

Aaron rubbed his forehead he knew it could be him and he was in a mission and he wasn't going to stop until he's done with his list, Emily was thinking the same thing. "So if he's after the ones he believes to be responsible for Mark's death he still have one name in the list"

"Ethan" Derek said
JJ joined them with the Detective by her side
"Guys he's not answering his calls and his wife is worried"

"Garcia check for William's home address" it took her less than a minute to do so, they had the address and were heading to his house.

Ready in their bullet proof vest they entered their unsub's house and checked every room until they headed to the basement their guns pointed at Mark's father

"William I need you to put down your knife" Aaron said with his stern voice, he stepped closer to him slowly the rest of the team behind him.

"if you step any closer I'll kill him" he said pressing the knife to Ethan's throat making him whimper

"you don't want to do this" Aaron stopped walking his gun still pointing at him, he knew he can't risk Ethan getting hurt any further, he almost looked unrecognisable he had bruises on his chest, his face covered with his own blood and his nose looked broken

"I do they deserved it they killed my boy, he was a good boy he would've never go near them. they must've forced him" he yelled blood was now running down Ethan's neck and stained his torn shirt even more

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