"𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇"- ‏Everybody wants you, but I don't like a gold rush

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Finally we are getting somewhere!!! And after 27 parts this is crazy, honestly I don't think it's my best work but the ending is my favorite, hope you like the first part of the "Gold Rush" chapter we are heading towards some good moments:)
3x20 | "Lo-Fi"

Emily Prentiss never considered herself the jealous type, she will not admit it and even now she denied it but subconsciously she knew she was she couldn't help it.

She agreed with JJ's whispered statement, Kate looked identical to Haley, she looked just as beautiful and the resemblance was just uncanny, maybe Aaron wasn't over her she thought, maybe seeing his old friend brought back some memories.

Emily was relieved she wasn't the only one who noticed that because it was an evidence she wasn't exaggerating. that she wasn't making things up in her head but at the same time it made her disappointed because if she wasn't the only one who noticed, it meant there really was something between the two of them, the conversation they had on the plane suddenly flashed through her mind, she remembered how Aaron had considered them lucky to have Kate, she wondered how close they were back then and now when they arrived in New York standing in that federal building their interaction was her proof that the way Aaron had talked about Kate on the plane was as she saw it- with affection.
or at least that's what she believed it was.

Kate seemed nice and Emily was angry at herself for developing an unjustified dislike for her, but the way she looked at him made her find her unbearable, the way she said his name or smiled at him it all just irritated her.

It was like some kind of disease spreading across her entire body, she couldn't fight the feeling so she just let it consume her.

"Can I have a word with you in private?" Kate said, Aaron agreed immediately and followed her to her office Emily glare at them as they walked away.

"Emily, you are staring" JJ said, making Emily shift her gaze to her, she stared with so much force JJ was sure if she kept staring like that she'll punch holes in Kate's back.

"I'm not" she said defensively, Emily didn't notice she was doing that JJ laughed quietly she found the way her friend denied her feelings amusing she wondered if that's how she acted in their case in New Orleans with Will was she that obvious too?

"you still owe us that conversation you know" JJ said referring to Emily's promise to explain things to her and Penelope.
"I know" Emily smiled she knew they have to talk and surprisingly she didn't find it stressful anymore, she figured it's time
"I'm gonna hold you to that." JJ said as Emily left to join Reid and Cooper.

Detective Cooper was easy to read Emily was sure his hobby of flirting with her wasn't a new thing she was sure she wasn't the first woman he flirts with maybe she would've enjoyed it if he wasn't a married man, even though she refused to profile him she still found herself noticing his behaviour and do just what he asked her for. when it came to that it was inevitable, a skill that was impossible to resist.

After doing the anti-geographical profiling with Reid, she decided to grab herself a cup of coffee she was on her way back when he greeted her, neither of them noticing Aaron leaving Kate's office, watching them

"So Emily..." Cooper said, Emily looked at him with her eyebrows raised and arms crossed, it wasn't his first comment to her the man just wouldn't stop, Emily knew he didn't mean any of his comments but calling her by her first name when they had known each other for less than a day was a whole new level of bravery, why was he trying so hard when he knows he doesn't mean it? Was that what boosted his ego? and who told him her name in the first place?

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