My mind turns your life into folklore

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After a long ride we arrived at our destination
4x01 | 4x02
"Mayhem" | "The Angel Maker"

Aaron kept replying in his mind last night's events. He didn't know what would be the consequences of them fulfilling their undeniable attraction for each other, what would they become if they didn't stop? the unknowing didn't made him regret what happened but the way she kept leaving him did.

It was tearing him apart. She was tearing him apart and confusing him giving him those signs and then running away. Why would she come to him and fill him with that hope if she was going to dry it up the next second? he couldn't be next to her it was too painful, so anger now replaced the hope she took. When the team joined Aaron and Kate in the federal building after giving the profile she didn't come. Emily wasn't there and Aaron was happy she wasn't it made avoiding her much easier.

Unfortunately like Derek thought there was another shooting and he again reacted out of line and Aaron sent him away. He got tired of people implying he had any relationship with Kate first Emily now Derek?
He didn't scolded Derek because he liked Kate he scolded Derek because he was in the wrong criticising her decision after it has been made didn't help, this was the job you can't predict everything and sometimes you make the wrong choices, they all knew it. But he insisting he was right and they were wrong was pointless and did nothing to help the situation.

Later Derek apologised, Kate didn't seem to take it personally and they all decided to put it behind them and focus on the case Kate ordered the team will be out on the street and he haven't seen Emily the entire time. He was still mad at her but it didn't last for long.

"Hotch" Dave came the look he has was easy to understand- something had happened Aaron didn't respond just waited to hear what he has to say. Apparently another shooting occurred and there was an officer down 16th, west of Union Square, the same era Emily and Detective Cooper where in.
"Is Em- Prentiss okay?" He corrected himself fear creeping into his voice and panic shining through his unsuccessful sealed expression Dave noticed that he knew she was out there with Cooper and he predicted Aaron reaction, but he had nothing to say to ease his fear.

"I don't know" Aaron stormed out of the building not waiting for Kate or any other team member  he was desperately hoping she was okay, it can't be happening to her not now, the memories of her the night before accompanying him to the scene the way she fit exactly in his arms like she was meant to be with him, the way her lips moved in sync with his it stayed with him the entire seemingly endless drive.
Aaron was the first at the scene, he managed to get there before JJ and Derek which was surprising considering the fact they were out on the street as well.
He got out of the SUV the ambulance was already there and attracted some curious crowd but he managed to spot her despite it, her back was turned to him but he had no doubt it was her, he felt like the fear that took over his mind was finally starting to dissolve it was finally easier to breathe again but then she turned around and he noticed her state her her shirt was stained with blood and her hands- shaking covered with it as well, a wave of sadness washed him making him walk fast towards her.

"Emily" she turned towards the voice to see him she felt herself relax seeing him a small smile on her face

"I'm okay" she said immediately not letting him ask the question she knew he was about to ask, she knew he was worried the way he looked at her made her forget what just happened to Cooper but only for a moment. Aaron knew that physically she was fine but still he assessed her condition to see if there was something else maybe another behaviour apart from her shaking hands that revealed her emotional state.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now