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Coles pov

Living next to this girl is going to be a nightmare! I can't believe she thinks I'm a douche and a man whore and who knows what else she thinks that she didn't say! I can be known to be a douche sometimes and I am a bit of a player so I mean she's not wrong but the fact she had the nerve to actually say that to my face bugs me! I left and headed to the gym to clear my mind and let the frustration go and when I came back and went up to my room I noticed her room is right across from me and she was dancing around i don't know if it's a routine she's practicing or just dancing for fun but either way it's definitely a nice show. I sat on the window seat just watching and admiring her moves. She already thinks less of me why not give her another thing to think of me and that would be that I'm also a creep. She was moving her hips like a belly dancer and I would be lying if i didn't think it was a total turn on. She turned and saw me looking and looked pissed she glared at me then closed her curtains which made me smirk. I say I won this time!

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