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After she calmed down and was able to stop crying we walked over to her couch and continued to talk about our pasts and why we are the way we are today. I don't know when I last talked to anyone this long or about this personal of stuff cause not even gabe knows any of this and he's probably the one I'm closest to. We talked until the sun came up and I still felt fine which shocked me and she seemed to be the same way.
L- practice is going to be interesting today
C- tell me about it
L- even tho I'm awake I know it will help in the long run and that's coffee run
C- yeah that will definitely help
L- let's go
She grabbed her keys and purse and we walked out to her car and drove to Starbucks. We ordered then I paid despite her attempts to stop me from doing so and sat down and ate some muffins. While we ate and drank our coffee we picked up our conversation where it was before we left her house. I now know why she's a dancer I know all about her past relationships and what is was like when she was growing up and a good chunk of knowledge about her family and she knows all the same things about me.
L- I hate to do this but we need to head back cause I need to get ready for practice
C- ok
We got in her car and as we drove back to her place I couldn't help but wonder something.
C- so you know the night we first met when I had the party it was brought up if you don't get sleep the cops would be the least of my worries
L- yeah
C- was that a lie cause you seem perfectly fine and nice and everything now
L- no it wasn't a lie and that's cause I am haha I don't know how so I have no logical explanation for you I just wouldn't get used to it
C- haha ok
We got to her house and I jumped out of the car faster than she could so I could open the car door for her
L- haha thanks that was a sweet gesture
C- well I'm a sweet guy
L- ehh you're alright
C- ouch and here I thought all that bonding would prove it
L- maybe it did maybe it didn't
C- haha ok so one more question before I let you go
L- what's that
C- can I kiss you
L- yes
I smiled and kissed her and it wasn't intense like it was when it led to us sleeping together but that same feeling was happening. We slowly pulled away from each other and I smiled at her which made her blush and me laugh a bit.
L- ok now I really need to get ready I'll see you later
She pecked my cheek then ran inside as I went home and showered and slowly got ready for practice as well.

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