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Coles pov

Last night I went to bed probably the happiest I've ever been after sleeping with Lauren and cuddling with her. Little did I know I would wake up with the worst feeling ever after seeing she was gone and I don't mean just gone home I mean she left all together. I talked with the guys about it all and got their thoughts and everything but it didn't help so I told them I needed to get out and be alone for a while which I did but I did end up finding a new toy for the night and that's all she is is a toy cause her kisses and the sex meant nothing it didn't compare to Lauren it didn't even help me get my mind off her like I was hoping for. I kicked the girl out then went to bed. When I woke up I noticed Lauren wasn't home yet again so I just rolled my eyes and went about my day relaxing for a while then went to the gym and when I got home I saw Lauren was just getting home as well and it was clear she was in a hurry to get inside and away but i wasn't having it.
C- where were you
L- leave me alone cole
C- no we need to talk
L- no we don't
C- yes we do
L- look i don't want to talk to you I don't want anything to do with you so if you want someone to talk to so bad why don't you talk to the girl that was practically dry humping you as you stumbled inside your house yesterday
C- you saw that
L- yes now like I said leave me the hell alone
And with that she managed to get inside slamming the door in my face and locking it behind her. Ok I know I should be yelling at her for leaving me I know I shouldn't be phased by her seeing me with another girl considering it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't crushed by her leaving me! But something is off like she's told me to leave her alone countless times before but nothing like this there's never been such hatred such pain behind her words. I noticed when I saw her she wasn't in her clothes and it wasn't hard to realize they were daltons clothes so I went back to my car and went to his house. Just as I was walking up I saw the guys were all there and heading out
C- you're all here great walk back in we need to talk
Dal- what about
C- about how I know Lauren just left here and more
W- how do you know she was here
C- wasn't hard for me to realize she was in daltons clothes but what I wanna know is why she was here better yet why you all stayed the night together
Dav- she was having a rough time
Dal- thanks to you
C- look I didn't know she saw me and that girl
Dal- doesn't matter cause you still knew the risk you'd be taking by bringing her to your place
C- well in case you forgot she left me she was nowhere to be seen when I left so how would I know if she would be back
Dal- that's seriously your defense
C- no but just making a point but what all did she have to say
Dana- that's not our place to say
C- I get that but she just told me to leave her the hell alone and it wasn't anything like the way she's told me it before
Dal- fine you want the scoop I'll tell you she likes you cole she likes you a lot more than you honestly deserve I love you bro but it's true and she knew she fucked up by leaving but she was planning on fixing it but then you went and slept with some bimbo and she was crushed so now she wants nothing to do with you
C- she likes me
Dav- it's probably more like liked now
C- shit
G- and while we're being honest she knows you like her too which I think is why she's so crushed now since she came here blowing up on us saying how we lied that you clearly don't care about her or like her like we said you did
C- shit I gotta fix this
G- how
C- I don't know

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