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Lauren's pov

I got to the arena and started stretching with destini.
L- hey girl
Des- don't hey girl me I haven't heard a peep from you since our coffee run the morning after
L- I know and I'm sorry it's just been an eventful couple of days
Des- why
L- let's see when I got home I found all the guys at my house saying how I hurt cole by leaving how cole likes me and how I have a mess to fix to that night me watching some bimbo shove her tongue down his throat as she practically dry humped him as they stumbled in his house
Des- oh my goodness
L- oh that's not the end of it girl
Des- what else
L- I went to daltons house and talked to the guys about everything then had a breakdown while there so I stayed the night only when I got home I ran into cole and I told him to leave me the hell alone
Des- aww girl
L- still not the end
Des- oh shit what else
L- he got drunk and came by last night and proceeded to tell me how much he likes me and why he doesn't date and much much more like we talked all night long we went to get coffee before this so we're both able to function for practice
Des- damn so what does this mean for you two what are you now
L- I'm not entirely sure
Des- just be careful of your heart love
L- always
We got up and went through practice and as we headed out afterwards we ran into cole and he smiled at me then gave me a hug and kiss before walking inside.
Des- awww that was so sweet
L- I know
I couldn't help but blush which made us laugh then we went our separate ways. As soon as I got home I went and laid down on my bed and crashed out shortly after.

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