The end

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Coles pov

She's gone she's actually gone! I was hoping maybe just maybe she would make it through this but I'm not that lucky I guess. I got up as the doctors and nurses came in to do what they gotta do and I headed out and Dalton stood up and hugged me and as much as I didn't want to cry in front of all them I couldn't help it and he did too.
Dal- this is bullshit
C- tell me about it
Eventually we collected ourselves and headed out and everyone crashed at my place cause no one thought me or Dalton or destini should be left alone which they're probably right. Couple days later we had practice and it was the first time I saw the girls cause they were all waiting outside after their practice
Zoey- hi Cole
C- fuck off
Zoey- that's rude
C- oh really I'm rude you all schemed to kill the love of my life but yeah I'm the rude one
Daisy- she didn't deserve you
C- like you do
Daisy- yes
C- all of you can go to hell nothing will ever happen between us I don't want to ever talk to any of you again so leave me the fuck alone
They all looked stunned but honestly how stupid can they be thinking I would be ok with what they did to actually go for any of them again! I went inside and told the guys about what happened and they all just shook their heads and then we practiced and I hung out with them afterwards and this was an everyday occurrence to keep me busy until it was our very last game and we won the Stanley cup and after my lap with the cup I couldn't help but think and cry on the bench thinking back to the beginning with Lauren how I said that when we win the Stanley cup I would get a shot with her. God why is life so unfair!

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