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Lauren's pov

All week long me and Cole have been hanging out in our free time. We've kissed a lot but haven't slept together again which shocks me honestly but I like that he's not trying for it. But I still have no clue if we're a couple now or not and it's driving me crazy to be honest. Right now I'm waiting for the game to start and just getting the crowd hyped up.
Des- so any word yet
L- nope
Des- well you guys haven't slept together again still right
L- correct
Des- maybe that means you are
L- maybe but it would be helpful if he would say something you know
Des- I get it trust me
The guys were now out on the ice and it was the first face off of the game and surprise surprise cole met my eyes and winked at me before focusing and winning the face off. After every shot he made after every pass after every line change his eyes were on me and I could feel myself blushing. During the start of the third period I noticed the rest of the team were whispering a lot and I noticed my name was dropped.
L- do we have a problem
Chloe- no no problem just curiosity
L- about what
Chloe- are you and Cole a thing
L- what's it to you
Bri- well he can't keep his eyes off of you and we never got that attention even when he slept with us
Des- ever think it's cause she won't give him the time of day
Daisy- yeah right we've seen them kiss in passing between practices all week
L- well either way it's not your business alright
Zoey- well it is our business cause maybe we all want another run with him
L- then why don't you talk to him about it
Ashley- why cant you just tell us
L- because honestly I have no clue if we're a thing or not there are you happy
I threw my pom poms down and walked away from my spot ignoring the worried look on destinis face as well as the guys cause they were looking up at the time. I walked away to the bathroom and leaned against the sink trying to calm down and not have a breakdown cause one I don't want to do that at work and two I can't redo my makeup at the moment.
Des- girl are you ok
L- no
Des- talk to me
L- it's just so frustrating not knowing and then hearing how they all slept with him which I already know but I don't want to hear it and hearing they all want to have another round with him it's just too much
Des- you need to talk to Cole or at least talk to Dalton and tell him to knock some sense into cole and figure it all out
L- that's embarrassing tho
Des- I get it but what other options are there
L- true
Des- just take some deep breath's let's go finish what's left of the game ok
L- ok
I took some deep breath's and gave her a hug then we went back to our spots and Cole instantly found my gaze and he looked really worried which made my heart beat faster but I focused on the rest of the game then before I could leave I was pulled into the guys locker room by David.
L- what the heck are you doing David I can't be in here
Dav- says who
L- it's the men's locker room it's kinda in the name
Dav- technicality but we're worried about you so come on
He dragged me all the way over to his section of the room with the guys and Cole immediately walked over to me and pulled me in his arms before Dalton had a chance.
C- are you ok what's wrong
Dal- we saw you storm off from the rest of the dance team what happened
L- it's not something I want to talk about in front of everyone it's embarrassing
Dal- you can tell us anything love you know that
L- fine it's because things are so confusing anymore it's all frustrating and hearing those hoes run their mouth didn't help
G- need a little clarification here
L- hearing how oh how they loved their time with you cole and how they all would love to have another go with you but want to know if we're a thing cause you can't keep your eyes off me and how they've seen us kiss but I can't tell them yes or no because i honestly have no clue if we are or not
Dal- you haven't asked her out yet
C- no cause I was trying to think of a sweet romantic way but Lauren I'm really sorry it got to this point but I really really like you please don't listen to those bimbos no one will ever get another run with me cause I only want to be with you will you please be my girlfriend
I couldn't help it but I teared up a bit which of course didn't go unnoticed and he wrapped his arms around me again holding me and kissing the top of my head
L- yes yes I would love to be your girlfriend
He smiled and kissed me and the guys were all hooting and hollering which made me laugh and break away from the kiss.
C- give me 5 minutes to change and then we can get out of here ok
L- sounds like a plan

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