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Lauren's pov

Ughhh! Looks like I need to add giant perv to the list of things he is! So apparently I need to always keep my curtains closed now which is gonna suck but it will be better than him watching me do anything! The rest of the week I did my absolute best to avoid him which was easy to do so cause our practice starts and ends before theirs but tonight is the first game of preseason and the first preseason game is just as crazy as the first game of the actual season. We ran through all the routines this morning then we all went our separate ways for a few hours only to return and start getting ready for the game.
Des- I finally got more dish on our new captain I've even seen him too and girl he's so hot
L- that he is but too bad he's a perv and a douche and a man whore
Des- girl you got some explaining to do on how and why you say this
L- he's my new neighbor and I didn't know he was the new captain til Wednesday after practice
Des- ok but what has he done to make you think that way
L- Dalton was the one who gave away the man whore secret by saying he didn't realize cole made his way through the dance team already and perv because I caught him watching me dancing in my room
Des- and the douche part
L- I just get that vibe from him
Des- well I trust you girly and based off the other things I will be keeping my distance
L- smart I'm going to do the same
The crowds were starting to form so started playing music and we headed out front to get the crowd pumped up til the doors opened. Soon enough the game was in full swing and as much as I hate to admit it cole is really good it's no surprise as to why he was given the captain position and the crowd was reacting well to him which is to be expected with how he's playing and how we're up 5 to nothing before the end of first period. I pushed away the rest of the thoughts and focused on our routine and made sure to keep it that way for the rest of the night. We won and it was electric atmosphere the whole night which is always good. Now to go to bed and go back to avoiding cole should be easy right?

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