chapter 3

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i know i am very good like Neil khanna who every day gives updates 🙈🙈🙈

So the chapter starts from here...👇

3 years pass

3 years ago, after becoming normal, Avni puts her decision in front of everyone that she wants to go away from them all, At first everyone thought that maybe she wanted to go to Mehta house to get away from Mihir's memories, so they told Dayawanti that she should come and take Avni with her because maybe she doesn't feel good in this house

But they did not know the real face of Daywanti, how much she hates Avni.

But Worried about Avni, they tell her about Avni's decision but they are shocked when Dayavanti refuses to keep Avni in her house saying that from the day she got married in that house, she is their responsibility, so now she has nothing to do with that girl...
Meanwhile, her hatred for Avni also becomes apparent, from which Neil comes to know that all the bad things that are filled in Avni's mind,
all that is filled by Dayavanti, so Neil himself tells his family that from now on there will be no relation of this house with that woman, Avni's life had become hell because of that woman but now he will not let her go to that hell i.e. Mehta house.

The family understands Neil's concern and requests Avni to stay with them but Avni says that neither she wants to go to Mehta house nor she wants to stay here.... She doesn't want to ruin anyone's life, that's why she has to stay alone and away from everyone.

Khanna family firstly gets shocked to hear this reason but then they does not support her in this decision, how can she think that they will leave her after Mihir's absence? No, they explain a lot to Avni but Avni not ready to listen anyone on this matter finally
And finally Shweta has to give her oath that she will not go anywhere from this house leaving her, she's her daughter and she has to live with her in this house.

Left with no choice, Avni lives in the Khanna house, but now she is even more calm than before.
People in the house slowly come back to their daily routine because as much as they're sad not having their son with them, they are more proud of his martyrdom.
They knew from the beginning that the dream his son is seeing is risky, but now he cannot insult his sacrifice by drowning in his sorrow.
So Their life slowly starts back on track.

Avni also becomes normal slowly, she takes care of each and every member of the family in the house and keeps herself busy in taking care of them and when she got some time of herself, she used to do her painting in the balcony of her own room which was not less than the size of a garden.
With the suggestion of the Khanna family, she also starts going to her art gallery. Because they thought that the more Avni keeps herself busy, the better it will be for her mental health, otherwise wrong thoughts will take over in her loneliness.

Amidst all this, as it was not even a month since Avni got married and Mihir was not with her, So after one and a half years, Khanna family thinks one day that Avni cannot remain like this for whole life, she must have a partner in life to live life.
And they talks to her about it with a lot of hesitation but Avni flatly refuses without hesitation saying that she is fine as she is, if those people want to see her happy then they should not talk about her getting married again.

After this answer of Avni, the Khanna family does not talk about her second marriage again in front of her because although the Khanna family considers Avni as their daughter, but because of all this, she should not feel that she is a burden on them, No they don't want this in any way, that's why by respecting her decision, they don't raise the topic of her marriage again and let her live as she wants.

FATE : will find a way.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن