chapter 11

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Next morning

Next morning is a beautiful morning for Neil, he wakes up who hardly slept last night, He sees in front of him the girl whom he had a dream to see every morning as soon as he wakes up.

But today even after the fulfillment of that dream, he is not as happy as he would have been if Avni had this relationship with her heart, he knows it is not easy for her to accept him but she can try once by forgetting the past

From the way she behaved with him last night, he has come to know that she married him only for the family, Even though she had given him those two promises, but she has not accepted this relationship from her heart.

She told him that she will do whatever he wants, only he wants? Means she doesn't want to fix anything in this relationship.

He also knows that it is not easy, but what is the sense of complicating the things which are already complicated.

he is also not happy, if today she has become his then he has also paid a big price by losing his brother, If he was destined to meet Avni in this way then he did not want to meet her like this after losing his brother.

But when he is moving forward forgetting everything, If he is moving ahead by accepting what is written in the fate then why is she holding back, we have only one life,
Everyone has to die one day, then why is she turning away from this truth? Why does she always blame herself for things written in the fate.

He was thinking all these things looking at her back when suddenly his alarm interrupts his thoughts by ringing, he immediately turns to the table side and turns off the alarm so that Avni's sleep is not disturbed, at this time it is 04:30 in the morning, he wakes up at the same time every day because now he has to get ready and go for his jog

He gets out of bed and looks at her one more time who has not moved from that state even once since last night. She is still laying showing her back in the same way, sleeping.

He thinks something and then goes to the washroom to freshen up, he is ready in his jogging clothes and seeing Avni one more time in the room, he opens the door of the room and goes out after closing the door gently behind him.

Here, as soon as the door closes, Avni opens her eyes.

The truth is that even she has not been able to sleep the whole night but she didn't have the courage to face Neil, that's why she was lying facing him her back.
And the truth is that who will be able to sleep peacefully in such a chaotic life...

Neil's presence around her is not new to her but last night his presence was closer to her like never before...she said yes to this marriage for Bebe but she does not understand how to make things right with Neil, Till now she has not been able to come out even from this thing that how can he love her.

She gets up and sits on the bed, she turns on the lights and looks around the room, now maybe this is true...Now she has to live in this room... So she has to accept this room and Neil, she doesn't want to hurt Neil by any of her actions.
But she knows that she will make Neil hurt instead of making him happy.
She knows that Neil will never be happy with her because she does not deserve this happiness, She does not deserve Neil nor his love.


06:30 am

As she was awake she thought why not get ready for the day, so after taking a shower, she is coming out of the washroom drying her hair, she is wearing a green palazzo set.

She is drying her hair with towel, on the other hand, after doing his jogging and exercising, Neil suddenly opens the door and enters inside and for a moment his steps stop seeing the beauty in front of him... Which color doesn't bloom on this girl?

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