chapter 19

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I love him, yes I love him I fell in love with him even though I didn't want to, his goodness overcame all my negative thoughts
The feeling which I was probably trying to suppress for many months, today it all came to my lips.
I don't know the things I said to him in his unconscious state.. will I ever be able to say all that in front of him or not?

The kind of relationship we had in the past and the way we are connected today, this feeling will be wrong somewhere in the eyes of the society.

I thought a lot about the society and because of that thought and because of my fear that I will destroy whose life I enter, I was afraid to tell him about my feelings because if I told him these things
And if we come closer, then lest I lose him.

But now I will not care about this society and that fear of mine, I could not understand that even though I was protecting him by pushing him away from me, But I was breaking him inside.

He loves me, when I came to know this I could not believe it...How can he even think like this for me, but when I came to know that he has been in love with me since I did not even know him, I felt even more strange.... How does someone fall in love with someone only after seeing them once, that too when you do not know anything about them?

But yes, I got the answer, when I was feeling these feelings, then I came to know that probably no one can control this feeling...This feeling is the feeling that anyone feels for someone at any time.

It's almost 9 months of our marriage, not even a single day passed in these 9 months when he didn't make me feel his love....He often used to give me some or the other gift but till date I have not opened even one of them because I felt that I do not deserve his love, Apart from this, there was no other reason behind my not opening those gifts.

But even after every misbehavior of mine, he remains calm... It is surprising how his patience does not break with my cold attitude.
I have never seen such a patient person in my life.

Along with his patient nature, another quality of his which probably made me fall in love with him, he often scolds me.
Now who loves scolding, but I love his scolding, when he scolds me, I feel bad at that time.
But this behavior of his is probably only for me, so that's why I like it.

Because he is very sweet person, never gets angry on anyone but on me...The sooner he gets angry with me, the sooner he apologizes to me for that anger.
And the way he apologizes to me by doing his cute antics, any tough person would melt on him.

I've never felt like this because fate has taken so much from me since childhood But for the first time in my life, having him makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world

I never expected the happiness that he has given me.

From the day I entered this house, he always stood by me as a friend...
he stood by me in my most difficult times, there were times when people taunted me, Then, it was Neil who fought for me without caring for anyone

I still remember, at the time of Mihir's last rites, many people told me a lot about what kind of girl I'm, that within a few weeks of marriage, my husband could not able to live because of my bad shadow, my shadow is wretched etc., even though at that time I was not so conscious that I could say anything but I could hear everything. At that time Neil fought without caring for anyone..And when when he came to know about my grandmother, he did not think even once about breaking the relationship with her and broke the relationship of this house with her for me.

FATE : will find a way.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon