chapter 8

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Few days pass

There is no change in the distance between Neil and Avni, From that day onwards, Neil avoids Avni in the house in every way, earlier as a friend he used to talk to her a few times, even though she ignored him... But now he is cut off from her and everyone in the house, he goes to the police station early in the morning and returns home very late at night, He hardly stays at home.

And somewhere this thing, this change of Neil is affecting Avni towards herself and towards the family, She never wanted Neil to stop talking to the family because of her.... change himself like this...she has never seen this Neil, no matter what happens, Neil always treats everyone well, never gets angry with anyone, then why has he changed now

On the other hand Neil is not angry with Avni or anyone in the house but he is hurt, he is hurt because of the step Avni took a few days ago...

he is not hurt because Avni did not marry him but he is hurt because if there was something in her mind that she does not want to get married, So didn't she trust him this much that he would listen to her, Has he not been able to win her trust for the last three years?
how can she decide to leave everyone and stay alone just because of this little things...

Running away from something doesn't solve the problem and he was the reason she left home....he is just hurt by this thing and further he is stopping himself so that he does not get close to her in any way so that the family members think of such a thing again for them.

Amidst all this, the family members also notice that now Avni Neil does not talk at all, suddenly a lot of distance has come between them, Avni sometimes tries to do something for Neil, considering him a family member but Neil ignores her.

On the other hand, Avni also gets defeated somewhere, but she accepts all this as a part of her fate, She starts feeling that maybe she deserves what is happening to her, she might have hurt Neil a lot, So now if Neil is hurting her in some way then why is she feeling bad, she just wanted him to distance himself from her, right ?

And somewhere she considers herself to be the reason for one more thing, she feels that maybe no one is happy in this house and she is the reason...Because of her Neil does not want to marry, because of her he does not want to move forward in life and because of this everyone in the house is unhappy.

Due to Neil's changed behavior, these days all this keeps roaming in her mind, the family members do not say anything to her but she knows that she has disappointed everyone by not listening to them. They accepted and loved her as their own daughter but she could not even give them the happiness they deserved.

What do those people want? Just a happy family, everyone has not forgotten the sorrow of their one son, but now they should at least fix the things of the present.
Life will not be spent by sitting with one sorrow, if you have got life, then you will have to live it.

One Night

Neil returns home from the police station late at night, for some peace, he sits on a sofa in a shed in the garden before going inside

He is thinking about his life, why is it all so complicated, why can't everything be simple, Why is everything complicated and even after knowing everything, he is not able to solve anything, life is not that difficult as everyone thinks, Why doesn't everyone lead a normal life and let everyone else live.

There is only one life, why is Avni not living that life?
Why does she keep herself tied, why doesn't she want to let go of the past, why isn't she ready to forget the past even for a while?
Why has he complicated his life even after it is so easy?

He has many questions, but he does not have the right to ask Avni all these questions, nor does he have the right to explain anything to her, and perhaps this is the reason for their distance.

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