Chapter: Two

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I absently listen to the Elders drawl on about the countless mistakes I had made and the ways to correct them. At first they were just mere suggestions, but now they've turned into advice and "great counsel".

"We strongly encourage you to do so." I hear the last bits of Elder Suzanne's sentence. Soon, I nod as if I was actually listening.

"He is not listening to us! He thinks of us as fools!" Fools isn't even the word I have for you all, I thought with some annoyance.

"He doesn't believe he has anything to be sorry for, that is why!" I hear Elder Arnold yell causing me to scowl.

"Truly, deeply, and sincerely I apologize for not realizing my own blood would plot against me and kill two of my dear friends right in front of my eyes, without a ounce of remorse in his eyes."

All their eyes drop from mine but I continue. "Yes, I am sorry, I had to watch hundreds of my people being slaughtered. I am sorry for not being able to protect my people from the silver weapons the humans carry."

"Your Gr-"

"I am truly sorry for allowing someone to sacrifice his life for ungrateful weres like yourselves who deserved to die that day," I seethe.

They all fell silent at my passive anger still boiling inside of me. "He was an Easterner, but he would have been your King by bondship! Give him the respect he deserves or you will find your heads missing by the end of this day."

"You hadn't marked him, so in truth, no he would not have been." My eyes narrow at Elder Richard tired of him and his condescending remarks.

"And you must feel so smart. Tell me, was it a smart idea to wed me to Cecilia as you thought? You allowed plotters to be housed under my roof! Where was your hand in that? Where were you, or any of you, when the war took place? Somehow you all made it safely out when I barely-!" I hold my tongue as I notice my voice becoming shaky.

"Hundreds of us died and many of or kinsmen is being sold and killed as we speak. Grimm and Addelin are gone along with my father and...mother...and brother." Tears prick at my eyes, but I shake my head and continue on.

"The last person I wanted to lose that day was my mate...and now he's gone. For your sakes," I growl. "If I had died you all would have been pack-less and leaderless, easy picking and prey for the Easterners and humans alike."

Closed-lipped and silent they sat their with guilt filling their eyes. Their facial expressions soon turned into pained expressions after realization dawned on them.

"I lost so much and still you all whisper such poison in my ear."

"We are-"

"Enough. Just-just leave me. I will hear no more of your prattles any longer. I have no need of your future counsel either. I believe you had done more than enough up until now," I hiss as they bobbed their heads down and scurry out the room.

I put my hands over my face onto the table trying to regain my already lost composure. My eyes watered and my throat tightened at the reality of my words. Not about what I had said to the Elders, but the way I was referring to Pierce...It was all in past tense. It was subconscious, but it still says something I'm still not willing to come to terms with.

The door creaks open after I have a couple moments alone. "Is the Great Meeting over so soon?" I let out another miserable sigh as I realize whose husky voice that could only belong to.

"It was never a meeting to begin with," I mutter still annoyed and upset.

He comes and scoots up a chair right by me. I, in turn, turn my head away from him. We stay like this for fifteen odd moments with no words spoken between us, just silence.

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