Chapter: Eleven

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Pierce's P.O.V


I peel my eyes open at his annoying presence. Soon, I close them back and adjust the silver collar seeming to tighten each day.

"In a couple more weeks, the peak of winter will arrive, you know."

"I am well aware, Josias. Leave me be."

"You know why they give humans to their werewolf captives?" My eyes flutter open again wanting to hear the reasoning behind it. It causes him to laugh as he sits down nearby me.

"Around this you may know...both female and male werewolves go into a kind of heat. They become aggressive and have this underlying need to show dominance over one another, so Sanuel simply solved it by giving them female and male humans to mate with."

I look at him with wide eyes as his smile grew.

"Yes, that is essential as to why we have to be with one another that way. I can smell it all over you." My lips purse.

"Come the peak of the winter you're going to be in desperate need of a release." He looks me up and down before smiling wider. "Or a couple."

"My problem, not yours."

"Actually, it is my problem. Sanuel is not a stupid man. He'll know we had not done as he thought we did and then he will begin to suspect something."

"Since you know so much of our mating habits then you must know we mate with one person our entire lives. If the person dies, then, and only then, will we look for another. In my pack's case, it's a very low possibility we'll ever mate with another again, and, essentially, we will die alone."

Josias' hands stay firm at the hem of my shirt as he nods. "You know...I had gotten you the easy, simple duties such as hunting for food, bringing back water... that could all change due to you being so stubborn."

"Then tell me, Josias, what will you have of me?"

"Let's start with the simple things and ease our way into the much larger things." He brings my shirt further over my head.

"God, what did you eat back there?" His hands go down my pecks causing me to bite down on my lip. "You're just a hulking mass of height, muscle, and sexiness, hm? It is no wonder your mate must be smitten with you."

"So you must realize I can easily snap your neck even with this collar on."

"Yes, yes, yes, says every full-blooded werewolf. Your threats do not frighten me." His hands continues to trace up and down my sides causing my body to stiffen. Soon, I grab his wrists and bring him up to my face.

"When is this plan of yours supposed to happen?"


"Soon? Josias, do not play games with me. Play it with some human around here, but not with me."

"Bear with me for a couple more weeks," he breathes.

"You and I both know, I cannot."

"Because you won't-"

"Josias, I have a mate and not just any mate. He is a King, an Alpha. He will sense it the moment it happens. It will do him more hurt than my presence of not being with him. He will kill you."

He presses down against my pecs to move away from me, but I keep him on top of me. His small frame on me is much like a pillow, barely weighing anything than what I'm used to. It's almost cute.

"You're much like a stuffed know? Even if we were to become intimate, I would crush you whether purposeful or not." I let go of his wrists and see them beginning to bruise. "Too fragile."

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