Chapter: Twenty

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Pierce's P.O.V

I touch the mark on my neck as I gaze at Cassius' figure from farther away. Ever since he had laid his mark on me, I've become ultra sensitive to his presence. Just the smell of him excites me, which can be troublesome.

Soon, I hear him laugh and pat one of his enforcer's back as he began to laugh with him. He has been trying to combat my father's rallies with ones of his own. I know he must be tired. My father is relentless.

He should know it is not his people he should be worried about, but mine. We had not gotten the name vicious for no reason. Naturally, we are born fighters. Our size and mass can account for that. Anymore fighting and the North will be torn apart.

I bite down on my lip in pensive thought. They had been doing well before I arrived and ever since I've come back things have been falling apart. Cassius had told me that the two were unrelated, but I doubt it.

Something is going to happen, and when it does it will not be good. It will be bloody and violent. I can almost smell it. My hands linger on my mark before I decide to go check the borders and look for Stevens.

Before I can take one step in the opposite direction, I feel hands wrap around my waist pulling me into him. Soon, he bends me down and covers his lips with mine for the briefest of seconds, smiling all the while.

"You thought I wouldn't notice you trying to sneak off, hm?" His nose touches mine as waves upon waves of sparks starts to crash down against me. I can barely think straight while he is touching me and it's unnerving. Is this how he felt when I had bitten him, I wonder.

"You seemed preoccupied."

"Ah, I was..." He gives me a small smile. "I was just getting things into order."

I look at him for a moment and soon my eyes begin to narrow. He has a distinct smell about him that grows stronger or weaker depending on his moods. And the smell is strong.


"Do not concern yourself with Northern affairs. I fear it will become a conflict of interest and, truly, then your father will waste no time to be rid of me," he laughs, but I notice the bitter undertone.

"My father will come to accept you."

"I do not need his acceptance," he hisses. "You do not understand how much pain that man has caused me to feel. I'd be happy if I never had to see him again."


"I love you, I do. Truly, wholly." He presses his hand against my cheek. "You are the love of my life."

Soon, his hand falls away from me as well as his eyes.

"But I despise that man. He would like to see me ruined and I will not allow that to happen. No matter what."

A sigh escapes me. After a moment, I grab his wrist and kiss the knuckles of his hand.

"You are naive to think he will come around when you do not even realize what he has been doing since the weeks you have been back," he murmurs.

"Tell me then."

"You have much love for your father and that's understandable, Pierce. But do not be so blind to what he has become."

My lips part as his eyes fall away from mine.

"I did not think I would be having this conversation with you so soon." He sighs.

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