Chapter: Nine

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Stevens' P.O.V

I watch as Cassius leans his head against his hand trying to keep his head up, but away from prying eyes. His eyes are puffy and red. The coloring of his skin has grown pale and he rarely ever talks to me these days. I fear the worst for him.


"Please, don't talk to me."

"I know you do not want to be here, bu-"

"I am a King. I have duties. I have responsibilities," he says without emotion causing my heart to deaden. So, it has already begun.

Soon, Beta Andrew comes in and sits down on the other side of the table along with Isaac who's eyes barely look at mine. After what happened near the infirmary, Isaac hasn't said much to me at all. In all honesty, I believe he regrets ever opening up to me, showing me his self behind that mask all alphas tend to wear for the public.

"Alpha Castille." Cassius gives Andrew a nod and focuses back on looking at nothing. "You have seemed to look better in your days."

I shoot a glare at Andrew who sits comfortably in his seat, waiting for Cassius' expected reaction, but one never comes this time. He pays him no mind, eyes glassy, hands shaky.

"Not today, Andrew," I warn.

"Oh, what is it now? I had known Pierce since the moment he was conceived. He had only known him for less than a year! What does he have to be sad about?" he asks with a snarl.

"Enough, Andrew. Calm yourself." Isaac, finally, chimes in. "Let's just begin this meeting. The sooner it starts, the quicker it will be over with."

"The humans have been setting up camp in the Northern Territory, officially. The teams I sent out on recon missions came back with the same information as your people. They are setting something up, and it looks rather ominous. If we do not attack, who knows what they will do to us," Isaac states still not making eye contact with me.

"And what will you suppose we do?" I say after realizing Cassius will not speak.

"Attack first."

"Without knowing what it is exactly? That's reckless."

"Do you suppose we should wait and find out?"

"It is not as if your King here, has much to lose when he lost everything to begin with. It was your cousin right? Your own blood...who truly caused your downfall. Your fall from grace," Andrew chimes in causing my heart to stop at his words.

"Do what you will. I cannot care less," Cassius interjects. "I have had enough of his remarks. I have had enough of his cruelness and nasty words towards me. I have had enough and I will not have any more of it."

"Oh do not feign so hurt now," Andrew drawls.

"I am nothing but hurt! It burns. It aches, and you only twist and pull at something that's already broken."

"I warned you," Andrew growls.

"I loved him," Cassius growls back.

"And you see what that wondrous love created? Death nothing but death."

"You are cruel to say such words."

"I say nothing but the truth. Anyone who loves you are certain to die." Cassius closes his eyes and bites down against his bottom lip. "Is that not the truth? Grimm... Addelin...Pierce."

"Andrew! Excuse yourself, immediately," Isaac says as he notices Cassius becoming more than just upset.

Andrew shoots him a glare, but does as he says, regardless. "As you wish...Alpha."

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