Chapter 2

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At that point, I had been aware of the tragic accidents. The man had explained how the only surviving witnesses reported kids our age planting the bomb.
"We can safely confirm that you are no longer suspects, but Kathryn..." He hesitated. That created a bit of a panic, causing my heart to start racing.
"I will be driving you to the adoption centre." He informed me without explanation.
"What?!" I exclaimed suddenly. What the heck?
"Unfortunately, this tragic attack caused your mother to pass away." His words stopped my breath. My mom was dead? No, there's no way. There's no way there making me go to an adoption facility.
"W-what about my d-dad?.?" My voice was shaky of the tears streaming out of my eyes.
"He is not safe to live with." He said awkwardly, walking Amber and I to the waiting office in the front. Amber didn't pause to go run up to her living parents and hug them tightly. To see a family so great and wealthy together made me more depressed and teary eyed. He had escorted me to his own car, a black modern Toyota. It was ugly. The car ride was awkward, I couldn't only imagine the place. A large facility, designed as a prison.
"It won't be that bad." The man tried to comfort me. As we pulled up, it was a large house with iron bars across the windows. He walked beside me into the entranceway.
"Kathryn Lancaster-Winchester." He spoke to the receptionist lady. He had left, leaving me on my own. "Hi sweetie, I'll show you to your room." Her stupid 'sweetie' got on my nerves.
She had showed me to my room, luckily alone in it. The walls were a pastel pink, flower decals along them. A small uncomfortable bed, and a small white shelf. I had nothing but a school bag with a binder. I leaned my back against the wall and broke out into pure sobbing. I had been so alone, so worthless. So, nothing.
Many hours passed before a knock came to my door, causing me to bite my lip to prevent me from further on crying.
"Dinner." A male voice called to my door, lifeless and monotone. I had removed the tears from my eyes and followed the signs to the dining area. 9 other kids had waited, mostly teenagers.
They all stared at me, ending there conversations when I had arrived. "H-hi." I blurted before sitting in the one empty seat at the end of the table. They didn't reply, just returned back to there conversations as if I was a ghost. I rested my head on my hand, my elbow on the dining table.
A man with dark brown hair and dark eyes carried out plates of mashed potatoes, chicken wings, and Caesar salad. I had an odd disease where I couldn't have food without a type of vitamin, so I had not eaten the food. In my stomach there was some sort of disorder causing me to regurgitate my food. They evil eyed me as I pushed the food away from my placemat. "Excuse me?" The man frowned, upset by my rudeness.
"I can't have this..." I muttered slowly.
"Oh right!" The receptionist sat across from me, slipping out of her chair. She was a bit overweight, had bright red lipstick on.
She pulled out a set of pills from a locked cupboard, putting 3 on the side of my plate. I swallowed them before I started eating. I was quite surprised by the lack of kids in the place, and security.
I safely finished my meal and thanked the chef before heading to my room. I had kindly rejected the books the workers had offered me. The clock that hung itself over my door ticked, making my mind get annoyed. I leaned myself up against the wall, felt my tears start up. As if a dam broke in my eyes. I had no family, except for my dad. He wouldn't have left me if he had actually wanted to see me.
I didn't want to be here, this facility isn't for me. I have $500 on my card in my binder, I would be just fine on my own. That is when my mind had begun conspiring a plan. There were iron metal bars caging the windows, caging me. I had discovered a lock picker in my bag from when I try to fuck up Ambers locker, which came in handy. I already started working on the window. Several minutes went before the gratifying click of the opening lock had commenced, causing a brief smirk to run across my face. But as soon as I pulled it open, an alarm had gone off.
The violent irritating beeps caused a panic, many knocks arriving at my door.
"Kathryn?" The male voice sounded more hoarse. I rushed myself out the window with my cheap duffel bag at hand.
The room was two stories high, causing me to plummet before going off into full sprint. It wasn't long until I dove into a forest, dodging the cop cars and sirens that ran along the streets. Walking along the sides of the forest, I came across a parking lot to an all night mall. The police had been walking the aisles of cars, so I ducked and worked my way around them.
"Hey you! Kathryn right?" A female voice had called me from behind. I paused, slowly turning around. There was a woman with short brown hair and 'chocolate eyes'. She had been dressed in a sheriff uniform, her outfit decaled with a badge.
"My name is Officer Jody Mills and I hereby declare your arrest until further notice." I watched hand cuffs surround my tiny wrists, I glanced at all the other officers glaring at me.
Instead of seating me in the back seat, she had sat me in the front. She already ignited the engine, speeding away in the opposite direction of the adoption centre.
"You do know the adoption centre is that way..." I started, but quickly being disrupted by: "I'm not taking you there."
"What am I going to jail?" I had a trembling breath, which she had sensed and patted my back.
"Of course not!" She hesitated, "I'm taking you to your father."

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