Chapter 12

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I awoke suddenly, feeling a churning pain throughout my stomach. It wasn't the feeling of dying, but it was discomforting as if something was wrong. I glanced around, seeing the room the same. Just a simple TV, couches and the lyrics I had wrote down sitting on the coffee table. But something definitely wasn't right. Gathering my thoughts, I tiredly limped off the couch, perking my head around scarcely.
"Dean?" I called out, waiting for a response. My expectation wasn't met, leaving the whole bunker quiet.
"Sam?!" I yelled louder, but still not replying. At this point I was mindlessly jogging down the halls, peaking in every room. My heart remained in my throat, feeling my mind slowly shutting down. No one was around, leaving me by myself.
They are probably just on a hunt and forgot to tell me.
My first instinct was to just continue the song, but the wrongness stuck with me. Pulling out my phone, I dialled Sam's number, transmitting to the call to him. The ringing longed in between the calls, but no answer.
No. Freaking. Answer.
The last call I dared to make, I finally decided to leave a voicemail.
"Hey Sam its Kathryn. I'm just not sure what's going on, it would nice if you could clarify. I'll call back in a couple hours." I answered anxiously, flipping the phone shut before sitting back on the couch blindly staring off at the empty box they call a TV.
Many hours past, but nothing. The grimy feeling stung, leaving me tapping my feet nervously.
What if they're in trouble? Arrested? Dead?
My phone started ringing, leaving an alarm sound throughout the room. I jumped with relief, pouncing to it quickly before flipping it open.
"Hello?" I questioned hopefully, hearing a voice I really wanted to hear.
"Hey Kath." Was a response, he seemed really stressed.
"What's going on? Why do you have Sam's phone?" I asked repeatedly, thriving for answers.
"Sam.... Isn't doing to well. He's in the hospital, I'm staying with him for awhile." He murmured, wiping breath out of me.
"Well can I talk to him?" I begged.
"He's in a coma." Dean awkwardly replied, sorrow flashing through his voice briefly. My heart dropped. My own dad? In a coma?!
Tears rushed to my eyes, streaming a millisecond away from instantly as I struggled to talk into the phone.
"Can I go see him?" I whined, tears trickling from my cheeks to my neck. Dean seemed uncomfortable, leaving me even more.
"I can't Kathryn. You have no permission to leave that bunker you understand?! They are after you Kathryn. Hell is after you." The words stung.
"Wha" was the only sound I could force out of my mouth, choking on my own sobs.
"Bye Kath I'll talk to you later!" He rushed, hanging up awkwardly. What!?
Sitting in silence as my own tears choked throughout my sobs. I knew this was what I had to do to protect my family, friends, and myself.
||Time Skip||
Not being able to see my own father was the worst part. The harder part was not being allowed to help. I had to explain to Dean what I wanted to do, seeing his eyes tear as I spoke. The car ride was silent. Only the sound of Dean's sighs and muffled cries. His eyes glanced over at my black, short hair and change of wardrobe.
"Are you sure you want to do this kid?" He mumbled, reassuring glossy green eyes gazing into mine.
"No matter how much I don't want to do this, I know I have to." I cried, biting my lip harshly until blood gushed out. Dean nodded, pulling up to an adoption centre a couple states over. The building was nicer, just a simple large house with no security system.
"I... Thank you, for everything." I mumbled, getting out of the car. Dean followed, wrapping his arms tightly around me.
"You... You remember the alias right?" He muffled the sobs with his voice, hugging me. I nodded, patting his shoulder as I pulled away.
"I know Sam will kill us once he wakes up, so remember to tell him for me not to look for me please." I smiled under my tears at the thought, him walking me into the centre.
"Yep." He tried grinning like me, but it turned into a frown as his tears were finally visible. A man at the receptionist desk had already signed me up online, just taking my fake name Alexis Harper and guiding me to my room.
"Bye, Dean." I smiled, walking until he was out of my sight. Now that I had gotten to my room, I watched a blur of the impala drive away.
"Bye Dean." I whispered to myself one more time before bawling.

Okay this one was really long but I have been occupied with designing album art for my uncles songs. I promise the epilogue will be longer it's just been complicated with my writers block to so...

Anyways, please check out my uncles songs if you are into rock look up Marcel Breault on YouTube. Thank you :)

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