Chapter 7

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Warning !: Sensitive Subjects such as Self Harm are mentioned. I felt that Kathryn was kind of in that mood and it would start more drama between the family so.... Anyways if you are sensitive to these subjects you have been warned!
A drastic gasp burned through the room. They seemed awestruck as I backed up slowly.
"Can you come with us?" Dean asked.
They moved me to the living room, where they started freaking out.
"There is no way she's an angel!" Sam snapped inaudibly, I could barely hear him through my eavesdropping.
They remained around the corner.
"So I see you have spotted the arisen problem?" A different yet strangely familiar voice seemed to have greeted them, catching my undying attention. My body propped itself up, sneaking around the corner with soft feet. My head tilted as I peaked around the hallway opening.
A man in a tan trench coat and suit had caught my sight, reminding me of his familiarity.
Blue eyes?! I've seen this guy.
"You! You're the guy who was stalking me down the halls in my school!" I bursted, trying to keep it back to continue my investigation. Dean and Sam spun faster then a carnival ride, to see my jaw dropping expression. Both their pairs of eyes glanced back and forth between the strange man and I.
"Cas? Do you have something to tell us?" Dean's voice went hoarse, deeper then it's usual. 'Cas' cleared his throat before releasing truth.
"Angels have been searching for her. She is a human, with stolen angel's grace."
All eyes rested on me as I felt myself shy away to the other room. What? There is no way.
My mind constantly kept replaying the constant healing, the glowing blue and how much more realistic that statement was. I finally gained the confidence to go back into the other room.
"Ok 'Cas', I believe you. But why do these angels want me?" I bursted, gesturing quotations with my fingers. I purposely added disbelief.
He looked confused, but I still held my emotionless face. "Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out." Cas muttered in awe, to see my rude responses to his questions.
"What are we going to do then?" Sam disrupted the awkward stare down between me and Cas.
I bit my lip in my own anxiety, unsure of the reply from Cas' mouth.
"Can I talk to you two in private?" Cas pondered out loud to Sam and Dean. They both nodded, walking into the other room.
"Wait!" I barged in the doorway as if I was some sort of superhero. I could see Sam and Dean holding back a giggle, but Cas, he seemed annoyed and confused. I pressed my lips together in embarrassment before I continued.
"I deserve to hear this." I mumbled, my cheeks pigmenting bright red. Cas rolled his eyes, he was 100% done with me, so he didn't bother to fight back.
"Fine." He sighed, gesturing me to sit beside my father. I awkwardly sped walked over, seating myself innocently.
"I believe that the main reason for Kathryn's mysterious angel grace is originating from Gadreel." Cas muttered. I squinted, and looked over to see Sam's eyes widen.
"W-well how is that possible?" Sam stuttered, whining.
"She had never been used as a vessel, but I believe all the remaining angel's grace somehow was transferred from you to her."
"You know she was born way before that happened!?" Dean came in, all curiosity growing.
"I am aware." Cas replied sharply.
"Well how do we get rid of it?" I finally came in, not wanting this given 'grace' I have. Sam shifted, as if he somehow knew what the answer was.
"We can remove it. But, the process is beyond painful and life risking." Cas said, as Dean had already dug out the printed step by step guide.
"I'm willing." I spoke quietly, only thoughts made what they meant.
Cas nodded, then spoke lightly: "We'll do it tomorrow. I'll find the syringe."
I cringed. Of course. It had to be needles.
Cas disappeared, leaving me in an uncomfortable state with Sam and Dean.
"So uh... Wanna watch a movie?" Sam moved on from the silence. I really didn't have much to say, I just kept remembering how much they've done for me.
"Sure..." I whispered, hoping they could hear.
"What about you Dean?" Sam asked, seeing if he would join us.
"No, I got to do research." Dean replied. Sam almost seemed surprised, until Dean smirked and bounced his eyebrow. He was probably going to jerk off or something, so I walked into the room with a small TV and sat on the couch, watching Sam's tall body follow.
He stuck in a tape of Captain America and the Winter Soldier, then sat next to me. His warmth radiated, causing me to move closer because I was so cold. Many minutes passed, leading up to the part where Nick Fury was almost killed by Bucky, and out of nowhere I just started crying. There was really no reason that I could think of, but I just started tearing.
"CAan I go to the washroom?" My voice cracked, avoiding his eyes and already standing up.
I think he noticed that I was crying, but nodded and distracted himself with the movie.
I'm not really going to the washroom I was going to my room for a few minutes. I planted my face into my pillow before full out sobbing. The soft feathery pillow muffled them, causing barely any noises. I hid a blade in my mattress, so I retrieved it before slicing it across my wrist. I could just heal them later as I always do so it really didn't matter, so I relaxed. Inhaling the feeling, my heart stopped as someone's hand knocked the blade out of my hand.
"What are you doing?" The voice was VERY FAMILIAR, which I barely dared to look up. It just had to be Cas, huh!
"Oh my god oh my god please don't tell anyone!" I whined, begging on my knees. He just dissolved into thin air. I was scared out of my mind. The slits still stung, so I decided not to heal them so I pulled down my sleeve and went back to Sam. I acted extremely uneasy, but he didn't seem to have a clue.
"Were you crying?" He pondered as I seated myself beside him.
"No." I sternly denied the true accusation. He didn't believe me for one second. His eyebrows furrowed until I began to sob again.
"I don't want an angel's grace." I cried into his shoulder, as he hugged me closely (in the father way you weirdos). I let the cry pass before leaving to the kitchen after the movie ended, to see Dean actually doing research.
"Hey Dean." I mumbled, reaching for the fridge door.
"Hey Kate can we talk?" He asked concernedly, making me slowly look back at him.

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