Chapter 14

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I wake at dawn, perturbed to find Maria awake in the bed below me. I break through my drowsiness suddenly, remembering that Maria and I will be traveling to Arkford today! Rather than readying myself to head towards the princess's chambers, I descend from my bed and begin to prepare for a day out on the town instead.

"You don't need to wear your uniform, you know," Maria says, giggling, when I pull out my standard clothes for the day. "Wear something nice instead."

I do not have much in the way of nice clothes, so I pull out a dark red gown that I took with me to Magnuvia. It was something that Taika purchased for me so I would have some casual wear while in Esterpool, but I truthfully miss my flowing skirts and lightweight clothing that I would wear in Landiani. I change into my gown effortlessly, thankful I do not have to attach the layers like I would with my standard maid uniform or the princess's gowns.

"Wow, that color looks great on you!" Maria exclaims. She is in a simple dark blue gown that I have seen her wear once or twice before on her days off.

"Thank you," I say. "It's nice to wear something besides our gray and white uniforms, isn't it?"

"Much better," Maria agrees. "Those uniforms always leave me itching at the end of the day."

I laugh and nod in agreement.

As we ready to leave, I find Josie awake as well, heading towards the front door. I call out to her as she is exiting. "Josie! Thank you for tending to the princess in my absence today," I say.

Josie spins around, and though annoyance briefly flashes in her eyes, her face draws into a smile so fake that it sends a chill down my spine. "It is no matter. I'm delighted to take up an old duty of mine again." With that, she turns and heads out the front door, leaving Maria and myself alone once more.

"You don't think she'll try to convince the prinecss to take over her old duties while you're gone, do you?" Maria asks.

While a possible fear, I know that I am the only maid who has had the opportunity to walk with Asteria in the garden multiple times.

"I'm not worried," I say. "I don't think the princess changes her mind easily."

With those words, we leave the estate. A guard drives us to the train station, and after a brief wait, Maria and I settle into the train car. It will be a brief journey, no more than an hour. For that reason, I stay awake, but Maria nods enough off within a few minutes. We leave the rolling green hills of Esterpool behind and return to the barren lands of Magnuvia that I have only once seen on my initial train ride to Esterpool. The land is littered with rotting stumps and decaying tree branches from the forests that Magnuvia destroyed over the years. The sight irks me, and I suddenly feel guilty for abandoning my spying today to enjoy some time with Maria, but I know the princess is not going anywhere. I should at the very least attempt to enjoy my time in Magnuvia while I am stuck in Esterpool for my mission.

The hour slowly drags by, and once or twice, I find myself nodding off. The slow rock of the train is soothing, and in the moments I do sleep, I dream of being back home in Landiani, rocked by the ocean waves of a boat.

I am shaken awake from my dreams a little later by Maria. She is clutching my shoulder eagerly and pointing out the window. I stare, half-awake, and glance out the window. We have arrived to Arkford.

I am surprised the noise of the city alone was not enough to wake me. The barren wasteland of Magnuvia is now replaced by tall brick buildings, cobblestone streets, and loud, beeping motorcars. I gaze out the window, watching Magnuvian civilians walk down the crowded city streets. The sound of wheels turning on the road and vendors yelling out to pedestrians fills the air. There is nowhere in Landiani that is quite like this. Even the market, fresh and vibrant with life, pales to the hustle and bustle of city life.

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