Chapter 20

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Per Asteria's request, neither she nor I mention her decision to appoint me head maid when Alba comes to retrieve her for dinner that evening. While left alone in Asteria's chambers to eat my own meal, I once again feel that familiar pang of loneliness; however, my face lifts into a smile when I remember that soon, I will be the one dining with Asteria each day and escorting her to and from meals. No longer will I sleep in a rickety bunkbed but on a soft mattress. I will be able to walk the estate freely, no longer bound by Alba's rules. The future is suddenly looking bright.

While Asteria eats, I manage to dress myself for bed for the first time since becoming injured. It takes time and patience, and I know Asteria will scold me for not waiting for her, but I am tired after such an eventful day, and the drowsiness invading all corners of my body is dangerous. I would rather fall asleep on the couch in my nightgown than in my daytime clothes.

I do drift off for a short while, waking when Asteria returns from dinner with Maria by her side, who will help ready me for bed. I drift in and out of sleep a little while longer until Maria finishes her duties. Asteria, now dressed in a white nightgown, joins me at the couches. I would normally be resting in bed by now, but I am still unclear of what our sleeping arrangements are after what occurred the evening before. In fact, I suppose I could offer to return to the maids' quarters tonight to sleep in my own bed, even though I much prefer the comfort of Asteria's mattress.

"Tired?" Asteria asks, noticing my drowsiness.

I nod. Slowly, I inhale. "I—um—I guess I was wondering when you would like me to return to the maids' quarters? I can certainly do so tonight, so that you can have your bed back."

"That won't be necessary," Asteria replies. "Tomorrow, I will share the news with Alba. I am sure your new living arranagements can be made quickly. For now, you are welcome to spend a final night in my chambers...if that is what you want."

"Thank you," I say. My eyes dart toward the bedroom. "Shall I sleep on the couch, then, since I am feeling better?"

"If that's what you prefer," Asteria says. There is a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"It's just that I know I have misplaced you from your bed for several days now, so I do not want to keep imposing," I say.

I watch Asteria play with the hem of her nightgown. "If it was not an inconvenience to you last night, would it be acceptable if we both shared my bed again? It is big enough for the both of us, after all."

I do not even hesitate in agreeing. We both leave the main living area of her chambers behind and head into the bedroom. As I crawl into Asteria's bed for the final time, I think of how I will miss her cozy mattress and soft sheets. Even if I will be given Alba's bedroom, I know it will not be as luxurious as Asteria's living quarters.

Asteria does not embrace me when she crawls into bed. I wonder why I expected her to and why I feel a little disappointed when she does not. We both lie on our backs, side by side, saying nothing.

Finally, Asteria speaks. "Good night, Fe," she says.

"Good night," I respond.

She turns off the lamp by her bedside.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"What in heavens do you mean?!"

Alba's emphatic shout wakes me the following morning. I wake groggily and instinctively feel for Asteria beside me, but the other side of the mattress is cold, the sheets slightly drawn back. Her room is filled with light. Sunrise must have been a few hours ago. I wonder why she did not wake me.

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