Chapter 17

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I dream I am in Tetoa, resting in the comfort of my soft bed. I can hear Taika frying fish early in the morning. My mother is outside gathering water from the well. Kiana is asleep across from me in her own bed, snoring softly. A light sea breeze flows through the window, causing the curtains to float ever so slightly. If I listen just carefully enough, I can even hear the ocean waves. Everything is at peace. Everything and everyone in Landiani is behaving just as they should.

"Fetia," I hear Kiana say.

"Fetia," comes Taika's gentle voice now.

"Fetia," Mama says.

I pull the covers closer to me, trying to sink deeper into my mattress. I do not want to wake just yet. I want to lie here forever, in the comfort and safety of my own home.


This time it is Asteria's voice pulling me from the darkness. Her voice alone is enough to jolt me from my dreams. My eyelids lift slowly, and immediately, pain fills my body once more.

It takes me a few moments to recognize my surroundings. My heart sinks to realize I am not in Tetoa, but in Esterpool; however, as I glance around, I realize it is not my bunkbed I am lying in either. I am in Asteria's chambers, positioned comfortably in her bed. Though I heard her voice through my dreams, I do not immediately see her. Through my blurry morning vision, I can see her figure near the doorframe, conversing with who I can only assume are the guards.

Asteria's bed is dangerously cozy. I could sink back into it and sleep forever.

Then, my eyes suddenly widen, seeing Asteria awake. If it's morning, that means I need to dress her! The rush of adrenaline forces me to attempt to sit up, but I am blinded by pain in attempting to do so. I let out a painful gasp and clutch my side. My ribcage aches terribly.

Asteria spins around, seeing me awake.

"Fe!" she exclaims. She mutters something to the guards, and they shut the door behind her, leaving us alone. Quickly, she rushes to my side.

"You mustn't sit up like that, Fe," Asteria chastises. She takes a seat on the edge of the bed and carefully presses her hand against my back, lowering me back down into the pillows. I want to fight her, but I am so weak that it is easy to comply.

Reaching toward the bedside table near me, Asteria grabs a cool towel and presses it against my face. I can tell that without a mirror my eye and cheek are swollen. I wince as Asteria lightly dabs my face, but the coolness of the towel helps alleviate some of the pain.

I slowly grab ahold of Asteria's wrist. She looks down at me in confusion.

"I need to dress you," I say. My voice comes out quiet and weak.

"Absolutely not," Asteria responds sternly. "You are in no condition to do so. I will have Alba dress me later this morning."

My hand falls limply from her wrist back down to my side. Asteria finishes dabbing my face and reaches for some bandages. I wince as she peels back a bandage from my arm that is caked with dried blood. When the damp towels touches my wound, I hiss in pain.

"Bear it for a little while," Asteria says. "The doctor will be here soon."

I groan but make no attempts to stop her.

As Asteria carefully wraps a new bandage around my arm, her voice becomes softer. "Do you remember what happened, Fe?"

"Yes. I think so," I respond. "I returned from dinner last night. Josie, Zofia, Arabelle...they were all waiting for me."

"They did quite the number on you," Asteria says with a frown. "Bruised ribs, black eye, swollen cheek, various cuts and bruises. The doctor said you should be fine with some time to heal, but it was frightful to see. Are you in much pain?"

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