Chapter 16

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I smile when, a few days later, my mother's letter is full of praise over gathering such valuable information. I tuck the letter away in a stash with the others, happy to have finally received a satisfactory response from her. My self-esteem has suddenly lifted, and I wake up each morning more vibrant and satisfied with my role in the mission. Having gathered Asteria's trust, it is much easier to pry more information out of her. I continue to be called upon by her for walks and other duties outside her normal morning dressing, and I imagine our time together will only grow the longer I remain in Esterpool.

One afternoon, Alba gathers the maids together in our quarters. We are not often all together at the same time, save for when Alba calls us to go over important schedule logistics. I wonder what she can have to say to us this time.

"The schedules for this evening had to be adjusted slightly," Alba explains when we are lined up in front of her. "I have a meeting with the royal guard that conflicts with dinner."

The other maids turn to each other excitedly. I am sure the idea of sharing dinner with the princess is thrilling to every one of them. While I have had the privilege of accompanying the princess on walks, the most intimate duties they have been able to perform are dressing the princess in the morning or readying her for bed. I wait patiently for Alba to ask for volunteers. I plan to keep my hand down. I no longer care about befriending the maids, knowing that they will never be satisfied with me, but I am not foolish enough to think that making enemies is no longer an issue I should be concerned with.

Unfortunately, Alba does not give the chance for the other maids to volunteer. I wince as her gaze turns to me.

"Fe. The princess has requested your company at dinner," she says.

The other maids, save for Maria, glare daggers into me. I can feel them piercing into my skin, ready to tear me apart. However, I know the princess's orders are final, so I slowly nod.

"If that is what the princess desires," I say.

"Maria, I would like you to assist me with the princess's bedtime duties this evening," Alba says.

I watch excitement shine on Maria's face. Though she may have more experience than me, she is given the least amount of duties with the princess now that I am dressing Asteria daily. I am happy to see her given the opportunity.

"Are-are you sure?" Maria asks, stammering. "I know I am still learning—"

"It is time for you to perfect the duty so you can do so independently and cycle out with the other maids. Arabelle, you may take care of the princess's bedtime duties tomorrow since I will have Maria take your place today."

"Thank you," Arabelle says.

"Josie and Zofia, your duties remain unchanged. I will present you with your schedule tomorrow morning. Fe, if I may speak to you about this evening?"

I nod and slowly break apart from the other maids. I can already hear their whispers, but Alba leads me outside of the maids' residence before I can catch whiff of what they are murmuring about. I can only trust that Maria will relay it to me later if they truly have something awful to say.

"I trust that you will take this duty seriously," Alba says. "Dining with the princess is a very rare opportunity. Normally, I would relay this task onto Josie given her seniority, but the princess has asked for you, so it is out of my control."

"What does the duty entail?" I wonder.

"Escort the princess from her room to dinner. Keep her company. I normally dine with her, but that is not appropriate given your status, so eat before or afterwards. I want you to simply stand nearby while she eats. The guards can escort her back to her room while you help the cooks clean up the dining room. Understood?" Alba asks.

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