Hunter Are You Okay?!?

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Hunter's Pov

I woke up in my bedroom someone must've carried me in here probably because they don't want my presence around them. I don't blame them though if I was them I would probably think the same way. I stood up from my bed and was about to walk out when a wave of dizziness hit me I was stumbling around my vision started to get blurry then I saw nothing but blackness.

Chase's Pov

I was eating my breakfast when I heard a thud from upstairs I looked at my brothers and they started running upstairs I quickly finished my toast then ran after them I saw my brothers in Hunter's room and then I saw Tristan carrying a passed out Hunter bridal style he looked malnourished and pale we quickly ran downstairs and began panicking.

“What are we going to do? We can't drive to the hospital because fucking Tristan can't drive for shit.” Daniel began pacing around the room I saw Julian pick up the house phone and Daniel smacked it out of his hands.

“Um OW! Julian exclaimed holding his wrist and glared at Daniel.

“What the hell are you doing?” Daniel asked holding the phone up in the air out of Julian looked at him like he was dumb in the head.

“Calling dad you dumbass.” Julian said in duh tone of voice. I just shake my head and walked over to Hunter.

“Guys we have a bigger problem then for you two arguing about something else how the fuck do we wake him up?” Tristan asked/shouted we shrugged.

“Wait this is the job for Google.” Julian said getting out his phone we all walked over to him and he began typing how to wake someone up from being passed out.

“Okay it's says 1. Call their name.” Julian read them he put down his phone. “Well that should be easy.”

“Hunter.”  I shouted nothing “ Didn't work.” I added he picked up his phone again.

“Step two shake their shoulders.” Julian continued Tristan began shaking his shoulders. Nothing. Julian sighs in frustration. “Step three pinch him hard.” Julian said we all looked at Daniel he gave us an offended look but pinched Hunter hard. Nothing.

“Is he dead?” I asked them they suddenly began to panic Tristan put two of his fingers on Hunters neck.

“Yeah he's alive.” Tristan says and we all sigh in relief.

‘What's next doofus?” Daniel asks Julian, Julian narrowed his eyes at him.

“Step four rub their sternum with your knuckles.” Julian said and gave us a confused look.

“What the hell is a sternum?” I ask them they shrugged.

“Ah another job for Google.” Julian sighs happily and began typing. “It's in the middle of your chest.” Julian answered Tristan began rubbing his knuckles up and down Hunter's chest. Nothing.

“Wait uh wrong thing hehehe.” Julian said laughing nervously. We looked at him confused.

“What do you mean?” Tristan asked him Julian gave him a sheepish smile.

“Those steps are for someone who is passed out drunk we've been doing everything wrong.” Julian admits Daniel smacked him in the face and Julian winced in pain. Ooh that gotta hurt.

“Give me the damn phone.” Daniel said grabbing the phone from him and searched up the right questions

“Okay first lay the person flat on your back wait no their back.” Daniel said and Tristan laid him flat on his back. “Step two make sure they are breathing.” I checked his neck and felt a pulse I nod my head at Daniel. “Step three lift his legs above his heart level to restore blood flow to the brain.”

“Where is his heart level?” Julian asked him.

“Does it look like I'm a doctor.” Daniel asked him I roll my eyes and lifted up Hunter's legs about where his heart is and grabbed a chair that was beside me and put his legs on it. My brothers looked at me in surprise and confusion.

I hear Hunter gasp for breath and he opened his eyes. Tristan hugged him I saw Hunter stiffened a little but he hugged him back.

“Hunter are you okay?” I ask him he nods but he looks unsure if he believes himself.

“It's says that not eating causes you to faint and you mister hasn't eaten anything yet but nachos I say we have an ice cream sundae to celebrate that your not dead.” Daniel said and walked off to the kitchen to get ice cream. I saw that Hunter had some tears in his eyes Tristan picked him up and kissed his head and began rubbing his back.

“You're okay.” Tristan reassurd him Hunter looked at him and hugged his neck Tristan hugged him back and kissed his cheek. Then he placed him down on the couch. He walked to the kitchen to help Daniel with the ice cream.

I sat down next to Hunter he surprisingly put his on my shoulder I began stroking his brown curly hair, he relaxed on me, Julian turned on some YouTube and we began watching Fail Army. The dumb and dumber came back with the ice cream. Tristan sat on the other side of Hunter and handed him his ice cream. Daniel handed me my vanilla ice cream that has chocolate syrup and a cherry on top of it. Delicious.

I watched as Hunter took a small bite of his ice cream his eyes lit up and then took a bigger bite then before.

We were all done eating our ice cream well except for Hunter he was too full to eat his. We walked into the movie room I got some popcorn and a pack M&Ms. I sat down beside Julian and began opening the M&Ms package. I reclined my chair back a little bit I put my food on a small table beside me and put my arms behind me and laid my head down on it.

Hunter was in Tristan's lap and Daniel was sitting all by himself in the corner of the room munching on his Popcorn. Talk about lonely. Tristan picked Ninja Turtles  boring 🙄.

In the middle of the movie I can hear light snores coming from Hunter I laughed and Tristan gently picked up Hunter and walked him to his room. I continued watching this boring movie cause I don't got nothing better to do. My eyes began to slowly close on it's own and I fell asleep. Gn

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