Movie troubles

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Hunter's Pov

I felt someone shaking me awake I quickly opened my eyes to see who it was and it was just Tristan I hold out my hands to be picked up but then quickly put it down he probably doesn't want to hold someone like me. I hear Tristan chuckle I looked up and he grabbed me from under my armpits and lifted me up he put one hand under my bum and the other on my back I laid my head on his shoulder and he walked me downstairs I hear Chase and Daniel fighting over something I looked at Tristan he smiled at me making me smile I put my face in his neck and he began rubbing my back he sat me down on the couch.

“Hey lil man.” Chase said after pushing Daniel and he walked over to me.

“Hi Chase.” I said then I laid my head on his lap he began stroking my hair I saw Julian walking in the living room with a plate of eggs and bacon he sat down next to me. He then handed me one but it was hot so I dropped it I looked at Julian and me thinking he was going to hit me I closed my eyes and leaned into Chase.

“It's okay Hunter I'm not gonna hurt you.” I hear Julian say I opened my eyes and Julian picked up the bacon that I dropped and blew on it he handed it to me but I shake my head no afraid that I would get burned again. Julian shrugged and began eating his bacon I watched as he ate and he looked at me and held up a piece of bacon.

“Are you sure you don't want any?” He asked me I nod.

“It's too hot.” I tell him he laughed and shakes his head.

“Here let's do this then.” he said and picked up the piece of bacon up to my mouth I opened my mouth and he began feeding me the bacon.

“It's yummy.” I tell him he nods and continued feeding me cause I'm still afraid to get burned.

After I was done eating the bacon I began watching TV Tristan came in the room with Chase who was doing a silly dance I laughed at him and he looked at me and smiled at me.

“Guys we got good news.” Tristan said we all looked at him.

“What's the good news?” Chase asked him with a confused look.

“We're going to the movies?” Tristan announced I hear Chase clapping and I flinch a little at the noise he then stopped and stood up.

“Oh the movies uh how are we going to get their you don't have a car.” Chase asked crossing his arms Tristan scoffed.

“It's something called friends.” Tristan scoffed again.

“You have friends?” Julian asked him and my brothers laughed at him.

“Yes, yeah I have friends.” Tristan tells him and he sat down.

“When do we leave?” Chase asked him as he yelled I laid my head on Chase's lap and he began playing with my hair.

I hear a car honk and Tristan smiled. “Now.” Tristan said I feel myself being picked up I wrapped my arms and legs around Chase and they began walking outside.

I saw a silver van and saw the same people that were in Tristan's room the other day. Chase sat me down on a seat and he sat next to me. Tristan sat behind me along with Daniel and Julian sat in the back.

I watched as the trees and houses passed by I then got bored of watching the scenery and watched Chase play a game on his iPad.

He looked at me and I looked away “Want to play it's Minecraft?” He asked me I slowly nodded my head and he passed it to me he showed me how to play it and I started building me a nice beautiful wooden house.

We then stopped at a cool building it has a huge picture of a videogame at the side of it. They unlocked the door and I unbuckled my seatbelt and hopped out Chase behind me then the rest they began walking to the building and I followed close behind Tristan held out his hand for me to hold and I did. We walked inside their were lots of posters and popcorn and other junk food this is great.

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