Tristans practice and a ghost boy?

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Idea from Roses_of_Magic

Hunter's Pov

"I'm totally gonna beat y'all ." Chase said as he was on top of the hill. Me and Julian followed him we were side by side of each other about to race to the bottom of the hill.

"On your mark...get set...go!" Chase yelled we started running I jumped to get a better chance of winning my foot fell in a hole making me fall. I wince but got back up I continued running laughing as I pass Chase I then got in second place Julian in first and Chase in third.

"Oh I'm totally gonna beat you." Julian mocked him as he laughed Chase put his head down embarrassed I giggled at him he placed his arm around me.

We walked back home I took off my shoes then I ran up to my room got a new shirt and shorts and ran to my bathroom I got undressed and got in the hot shower. I began washing my hair and body after a few minutes I turned off the shower grabbed a red towel and dried off my hair then stepped out of the shower. I got dressed and went downstairs I ran to the kitchen for lunch. "I want spaghetti and meatballs." I told Tristan he nods and got the spaghetti noodles, sauce and meat out the a big pot. I ran out of the kitchen and tackle Julian on to the couch.

"Hey!" He shouted I laughed he grabbed me and pulled me over to him and started tickling me I began to laugh and squirm. "Ch hahaha ase help." I said in between laughs he tackled Julian I took a deep breath and got on top of Julian.

Daniel ran downstairs and got us off of Julian I hear Julian take a deep breath and started panting. "Thanks Daniel." Julian thanked him I sat in his lap and laid my head on his chest. He began stroking my hair as I watched Tarzan I want to be that guy climbing all the trees and talking to the gorillas.

I played with Julians fingers as he played with my hair. I looked back at the TV it was kind of getting boring so I got up and went to my room. I looked around my room to see what I should play or do I then saw my rubix cube I picked it up and began trying to solve it.

After about 10 minutes I finally got to solve it I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I said I saw Chase coming in my room. "Lunch is ready." He said I ran up to him and we walked downstairs together I could smell the spaghetti my dad gave me my bowl and some garlic bread I sat down at the table. We said grace and began eating our meal.

"This is really good." I complimented and took another bite of a meatball. "Thank you." My dad thanked me I nod and took a sip of my chocolate milk.

"They changed my football schedule the practice starts at 2:30." Tristan told us I looked at the stove clock 1:21 I shrug an continued eating. After I was done eating I put my bowl and cup in the sink. Daniel picked me up but I didn't care I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he carried me to the living room. I sat in his lap we began watching fail army I laughed at every clip of people getting hurt. I know I'm so evil.

One hour later

"Come on Hunter." Tristan said I nod and got off of Daniel and ran to Tristan he guided me to the van my dad was already in the driver's seat. Tristan opened the door for me and I got in sitting behind dad. "You ready for practice?" My dad asked Tristan he nods his head yes. "Yeah I guess I mean my legs are going to be sore for a while but oh well." Tristan said looking out the window. I looked out my window watching cars past by us and people.

We finally made it to this place I guess the football field where he should be practicing at. Me and Tristan got out of the car. "You coming dad?" I asked him he shakes his head no I frown. I hugged him and he kissed my head I ran back to Tristan. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders we walked to a group of football players in their uniform.

"You sit on the bleachers okay, here have my phone." Tristan said handing me his phone I thanked him and ran to the top o the bleachers almost falling but I didn't luckily. I saw Tristan putting on his helmet and running to the rest of the group. I saw two older men with clipboards going up to them.

I hear a thud beside me I looked over and saw a football by me I looked up I saw a guy running over to me. "Sorry about that Kile can't throw for shit." The guy said I handed him the football he thanked me and ran down the bleachers I saw some guys laughing as he did.

I picked up Tristans phone and downloaded some games on it pac man, temple run, and Minecraft. I began building a modern home. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder I jumped and turned around it was just Tristan. "You scared me." I said panting a little. "Sorry I just came to see how you doing and I went you to meet the group." he said pulling me up we ran down the stairs almost falling but didn't these guys were huge.

"Guys this is Hunter, Hunter these are the guys." Tristan said I waved they waved back I think this is the start of a wonderful friendship. I saw some cheerleaders coming over with their coach. "Goo tigers." They cheered I gave them a unpleased look their annoying and loud.

"Alright guys get in your positions!" I hear a guy shout Tristan told me to go back to the bleachers I pouted but then I then realized I left his phone on the bleachers luckily no one stole it. I saw a family with a mom sitting on the bottom bleachers laughing with each other the mom was fixing the daughters hair. I watched them as my lips trembled some tears fell I want a mom I thought to myself.

I put my head down in my hands and began silently crying as I remembered all the things my mom did to me and seeing that family having a good mom makes me think about what I did wrong to deserve this. I felt a poke on my back I gasped and looked up it was a little boy. "Why are you crying?" He asked me I quickly wiped my tears away. "It's just allergies I'm sick." I lied he nods but I knew he didn't believe me.

"Want to play catch with me?" He asked me I nod we walked down the stairs we stood on the track beside the football field their was a fence blocking us so no one on the track won't get hurt. The boy threw me a ball I caught it. "Sorry about your mom." The boy said my heart stopped and I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked him he just smiled at me I shake my head I probably just misheard him. I threw the ball to him he catches it.

"Don't worry though God gave her a special place to stay also for the men." The boy added as he threw the ball to me I caught it but stood there. "How do you know about this?" I asked him he just smiles I threw the ball at him he caught it. "The same thing happened to me you know but they won I lost." The kid said my breath hitched as he threw me the ball.

"You know their are a lot of people who loves you, family don't have to be blood I know a woman who would love to gave you as a son and William as a husband." The boy continued I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Who?" I asked him he just laughs I threw the ball to him.

"Who are you talking to?" Tristan asked me I jump and look behind me. "A boy." I told him he looked at me confused. "What boy?" he asked me I gave him a look then turned around the boy was gone. "He was right here I was playing catch with him." I told him he shakes his head no. "Hunter you were just standing here and talking to yourself." Tristan told me I gave him a hurt look and cross my arms.

"Well practice is over let's call dad to pick us up." Tristan said I nod and handed him his phone.

"God will keep you safe." I hear someone whispered in my ear I turn around but their was no one their. Weird

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