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We end up in Russia. There is a building, a warehouse, next to some unfinished railroad tracks under construction. The building is only occupied by Georgi Luchkov, a Russian general, and two thugs, with a prisoner amongst them, she is Natasha Romanoff, tied to a chair in a black dress. The taller thug is in the middle of hitting the spy, she grunts and tilts her head back removing the hair from her face. They have a conversation in Russian

"Why are you tied up?" Lily asked curiously.

"Interrogation" Natasha shrugged.

General Luchkov: (in Russian) This is not how I wanted the evening to go.

Natasha Romanoff: (In Russian) I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better.

Clint muttered something rather unpleasant about Luchkov in Russian, Natasha snorted in agreement.

James noticed that Clint knew the tongue Natasha was speaking in and even Clint spoke in that language at times.

[The taller thug pushes her chair back, tilting it over the edge of a few story drop, and Natasha hides her fear.]

"Oh my God" breathed Dora in shock.

"How are you not shitting yourself?" asked Ginny.

Molly looked appalled at Ginny's language.

"I'm trained not to" said Natasha.

Natasha Romanoff: (In Russian) I thought General Solohob was in charge of the export business.

General Luchkov: Solohob? Your outdated information betrays you. The famous Black Widow. Nothing but a pretty face.

"Famous what does that mean?" asked Harry.

"You'll find out" said Stephen.

Natasha frowned her interrogation of Loki revealed some of her past.

"Wait like Black Widow as in the spider?" Emely asked.

Natasha just shrugged.

Natasha Romanoff: (raising an eyebrow) You really think I'm pretty?

"Oh yeah" said many boys and even some girl, Natasha let the compliment sink in while Clint glared slightly, much to Natasha's amusement.

[Luchkov walks over to a table filled with tools of torture and interrogation, picking up a pair of pliers. The tall thug next to her forces her jaw open.]

General Luchkov: Tell him, We do not need the Lermontov to transfer the tanks. Tell him he's out well...

(He shows her pliers ready to remove her teeth)

Molly gasped.

General Luchkov: (in English) You may have to write it down.

Natasha's phone rings, and thug 1 looks to Natasha's phone in confusion. He picks it up. Natasha frowns at him.

"Why were you frowning?" asked Molly.

"That wasn't his phone to touch why wouldn't I be frowning?" asked Natasha rhetorically.

Clint knew why she frowned, if that man had seen the lock screen two of the secrets they had kept would be over. The lock screen had a photo of one person.

Clint Barton/Alexander Potter (HP x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now