4-Avengers: Endgame-4

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[Cut to the Benatar landing in the yard of the Avenger's Compound. Scott is sitting having a Taco and some Nachos at a bench, and everything falls out of the taco as the Benatar lands. Nebula and Rocket walk out of the ship, and past Scott.]

Rocket: Hey, humie! Where's Big Green?

Scott Lang: Uh, Kitchen, I think. [To himself as he sees Nebula] That's awesome.

Nebula: [into an earpiece] Rhodey, careful on re-entry. There's an idiot on the landing zone.

Scott looked offended.

[She walks away. Moments later, just as Scott is getting back to his senses, Rhodey lands right in front of him without warning. This time Scott is so surprised, he drops the whole taco.]

Scott Lang: Oh, God!

James Rhodes: What's up, regular sized man?

"Ha, ha" said Scott sarcastically.

[As Rhodey walks away, Bruce walks out of the Compound. Seeing that Scott dropped his lunch, he hands two tacos from his own lunch to Scott. Scott takes it while giving Bruce a puzzling look at this act of kindness.]

"I forgive you for turning me into a baby" said Scott.

[Song "My Supersonic Ship" plays in the background. Cut to Bruce sitting at the back of a Utility car as they traverse the green countryside of Norway. They pass a sign labelled "WELCOME TO NEW ASGARD, PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY.". They stop at a small town on a port. Bruce and Rocket get out of the car, and look around at the remaining Asgardians, living like normal humans at a port.]

Thor looks curiously.

Rocket: Kind of a step down from a golden palace and magic hammers and whatnot.

Thor looks down at that.

Bruce Banner: Hey, have a little compassion, pal. First they've lost Asgard, then half the people. They're probably just happy to have a home. [Bruce spots Valkyrie looking over at him, and heads over to her.]

"She survived, yes" said Thor happily.

Valkyrie: You shouldn't have come!

Bruce Banner: Ah, Valkyrie! Great to see you, Angry Girl.

Valkyrie: [Noticing Bruce's change of appearance] I think I liked you better either of the other ways.

Bruce Banner: [motioning to Rocket] This is Rocket.

Rocket: How you doin'?

Valkyrie: [Eyeing Rocket] He won't see you.

Bruce Banner: That bad, huh?

Valkyrie: We only see him once a month, when he comes for... [looking over to a pile of kegs of stout and other beer on the side] ... supplies.

"Supplies?" asked Thor confused.

Bruce Banner: It's that bad.

Valkyrie: Yeah.

[Cut to Rocket opening a door, and him and Bruce walking through it.]

Rocket: [Grimacing at the smell] What the... Woo! Something died in here.

Bruce Banner: Hello? Thor?

Thor: [From another room.] Are you here about the cable?

[He walks into view, and the audience's jaw drops. Thor, who is shirtless, has definitely put on more than a couple of pounds since we saw him last.]

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