2-Avengers: Age of Ultron-7

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[As Wanda suffers in pain from the electric arrow Barton had hit her with]

Pietro Maximoff: What can I do?

Wanda Maximoff: Ah, it hurts.

Pietro Maximoff: I'm gonna kill him. I'll be right back.

Wanda Maximoff: No. I'm over it. I want...I want to finish the plan. [looking at the Quinjet where Banner is waiting] I want the big one.

"Oh dear" tutted Lily. people nodded in agreement.

[Stark corners Ultron in the shipyard]

Ultron: Ah, the Vibranium's getting away.

Tony Stark: And you're not going anywhere.

Ultron: Of course not, I'm already there. You'll catch on. But first, you might need to catch Dr. Banner.

[Stark angrily shoots Ultron and flies off to find Banner who's turned in to the Hulk and ready to wreak havoc on the nearest city]

Tony Stark: News or footage, keyword: Hulk. [he sees news footage of Hulk destroying the city] Natasha, I could really use a lullaby.

[Clint is sat with Natasha who's still stuck in her vision, Natasha though being stuck in a memory of her past seems to sense Clint is with her wrap her arms around his waist.]

Lily tilts her head wondering if she was right about them being a thing.

Clint Barton: Well, that's not gonna happen. Not for a while. The whole team is down, you got no back up here.

"you could help" said Molly. the avengers and a few others looked at her oddly. "Could I? I mean you've seen Nat's vision and how bad her past was plus what could i do about the Hulk?" Clint said, Molly shut up then.

Tony Stark: I'm calling in VERONICA. [as Hulk is wreaking havoc on the nearest city Stark Tony comes brings out his Hulkbuster armor to stop him] Alright everybody, stand down! [to Hulk] You listening? That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her, you're smarter than her, you're Bruce Banner.

"Hey be nice" said Natasha to Tony when she saw Wanda look down. "Sorry kid" he said, Wanda just nodded.

[Hulk roars in anger]

Tony Stark: Right, right, right! Don't mention puny Banner. [Hulk throws a car at Stark and attacks him] Okay. [they start fighting, throwing each other around] In the back? Dick move, Banner. [they battle it out more but Stark is struggling to beat Hulk] VERONICA, gimme a hand. [as Hulk destroyed one of Stark's arms, VERONICA sends in a new one and Stark uses it to repeatedly punch Hulk] Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep! [picking up Hulk] Okay, pal, we're gonna get you out of town. [as they head towards a building] No, not that way, not that way! [they crash through the building] Come on, Bruce! You gotta work with me! [Hulk continues to battle with him; as he stops an elevator, to the people inside] Everybody out! Going to get ugly! [after he knocks down Hulk] I'm sorry. [Hulk attacks Stark and pulls out parts of the Hulkbuster armor] Damage report. [the damaged computer buzzes a reply] That's comprehensive. Show me something. [the computer shows him the building ahead is clear of civilians] How quickly can we buy this building? [Stark drops Hulk through the building completely destroying it; at the same time the army arrives to intervene, as Hulk comes out of Wanda's mind-hold Stark knocks him out cold]

[With everybody back on the Quinjet, free from their respective visions]

Maria Hill: The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air.

People sucked in a worried breath.

Tony Stark: Stark Relief Foundation?

Maria Hill: Already on the scene. How's the team?

"Not good" said Natasha.

Tony Stark: Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off.

[Tony turned to Natasha her already pale face white her hand clutching the arrow pendant as if it was a lifeline.]

Natasha flinched.

Maria Hill: Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here.

Tony Stark: So, run and hide?

"where though?" asked Tonks, the avengers share a look.

Maria Hill: Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer.

Tony Stark: Neither do we. [he ends the call and switches off the monitor; to Barton, who's flying the Quinjet] Hey, you wanna switch out?

Clint Barton: No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out.

Tony Stark: A few hours from where?

Clint Barton: A safe house.

Alex and Laura, Natasha and Clint looked at each other.

Clint Barton/Alexander Potter (HP x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now