2-Avengers: Age of Ultron-8

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[The Quinjet lands outside a large farmhouse and they all walk towards the house]

Thor: What is this place?

Tony Stark: A safe house?

Clint Barton: Let's hope. [they all enter the house] Alex, We're home.

[Natasha smirked]

[Barton's daughter Alexandrina, walks in from the kitchen]

Clint Barton: Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead.

Alex Barton: Hey.

Tony Stark: [Alex hugs Barton; to Thor] This is an agent of some kind.

"No she's not" said Natasha. "She was 15" snapped Clint. "She is right here folks" Alex spoke.

Clint Barton: [introducing his daughter to the team] Gentleman, this is Alex.

Lily notices Clint didn't introduce her to Natasha meaning Natasha knew of her existence before the others.

Alex Barton: Hii, aunt Laura's on her way (turning to Natasha) are you ok?

[Natasha nods and walks off, Alex raises an eyebrow towards her father who shakes his head.]

"how did Natasha know you?" Lily asked, Alex didn't answer.

[Barton's sister, Laura, walks in from outside]

Laura Barton: Hi. Company? Should've called.

"It's you" pointed out a first year, Laura nodded.

Clint Barton: No time. That's Laura my sister.

"that's not...how?" Lily asked James.

[Laura nods slowly and walks off before turning.]

Laura Barton: Where's Nat?

[Clint opened his mouth to say something and then walked off.]

Steve Rogers: Sorry for barging in on you.

Tony Stark: Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.

Alex Barton: Yeah, well Grandpa Pirate helped dad set this up when he and mum married. He kept it off SHIELD's files, we'd like to keep it that way. I guess he figured it's a good place to lay low.

"Grandpa Pirate?" Lily asked. "i came up with that when i was 2" Alex shrugged.

Tony Stark: Who's your mother?

[Alex looked at Tony surprise coming onto her face, we cut to Natasha splashing water on her face, she looks in the mirror and Natasha sees her vision again. She senses someone behind her, she grabs a gun and turns, Clint grabs her wrist stopping her before she hits him.]

"How did you catch her wrist?" asked Emely. Clint shrugged.

Natasha Romanoff: Sorry, I thought...

Clint Barton: I was Ivan.

"who?" Tony asked "no-one" the four Barton's answered.

[Natasha flinched but nodded. When a Russian blue cat walked in. Followed by Laura.]

Laura Barton: Can Stark use your bathroom? They all need to freshen up.

[Clint nods and Laura walks out, Natasha's cuddling her cat Yelena.]

Clint Barton/Alexander Potter (HP x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now