quiet game

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"How did you know him?"

There was a short silence from the girl who'd asked him a question. James Barnes was walking away from a lake. James had pulled a man out of there. Specifically, the man was Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers. He was fighting both Celia and James. James remembered him by the end. The girl who'd asked him the question was Celia Tucker, his "student", or something like that.

Celia was apart of the Hydra Soldier program, it was a lot like the Winter Soldier program, just a different generation.

Celia was being taught by The Winter Soldier, AKA James. It was the same thing James had gone through, but it was two programs. The brainwashing, the serum, the fighting, the killings. Everything was the exact same, only with children, or a child in this case.

"He was an old friend." James said as Celia looked up at him. The two were bleeding, and they were wet from going into water. Now they were walking away from the scene. James was holding her hand to keep her close.

"Was he a good friend?" Celia asked him and he nodded his head. He looked down at their hands to see that Celia had a cut large going through her knuckles. Crimson was going all down her hand and in to his.

"One of the best." James told her, Celia furrowed her eyebrows. She looked up at him as he stared ahead.

"I thought I was your best friend." Celia said with a sad expression on her face. That expression made Jame's heart almost melt. James looked at the 8 year old as she made him feel almost bad.

"I said one of the best, doll. You're my best friend." James said making Celia again. The sick feeling left his stomach as soon as she smiled at him. Maybe it was a bit weird that a 103 year old man was best friends with a 9 year old.

It sounds creepier than it actually is...

There was no silence during their walk, and James was going close to insanity as she kept asking questions. He didn't want to get angry, so he answered, hoping she would pipe down soon. But she kept asking questions.

"Where are we going?" Celia asked him as he scratched his forehead. She'd already asked that question, but clearly she was bored.

"We're going to find a store." James told her for the second time. Celia nodded her head as he sighed. Her head was pounding, but she also had hit it off of a piece of metal, and there was a large scratch going through her head. Then she fell into a river head first, so that explains it.

"My head hurts." Celia complained and James closed his eyes, trying to get the relief of silence. He took a deep breath before looking at her head, he noticed the large scratch. Correction, he didn't notice the scratch, he saw the scratch. Anyone could, even if it was just a quick glance.

"You hit your head, do you not remember?" James asked her. Celia shook her head no and Bucky nodded his head.

"No, I remember it very much." Celia said as she looked at her suit. Her suit was all black, and she had a belt of weapons in it. On her shoulder, there was the Hydra symbol in red.

"Why do you think Hydra chose this symbol?" Celia asked looking at it. It was a skull with tentacles. James looked around for anywhere a human life form could be, but no one was there.

"I don't know, doll. Why don't you ask them?" James asked her. The girl rolled her eyes, knowing that she couldn't, and that she didn't want to. That was James' first attempt to silence her, he had a brief moment of silence, and then she spoke again.

"What are we getting at the store?" Celia asked as she looked up at him.

"Necessities." James said quickly, she kicked a rock over, stopping the two in there tracks. James pulled her, not wanting to waste any time.

"What's a necessity?" She asked as James squeezed his fist trying to let some kind of anger out.

"Things people need to survive. Food, water, stuff like that." James told her and she nodded her head. There was another moment of silence when only leaves crunching and sticks cracking where heard.

"Hey, James?" Celia asked and James groaned, wanting silence. Celia jumped on another stick, and Bucky kept dragging her along. Even when the kid had a headache he couldn't shut her up.

"Ceily, let's play a game, ok?" James asked and Celia nodded her head. "It's called-"

"What's the game?" Celia asked and James gritted his teeth as she interrupted him. He angrily sighed as she spoke over him.

"That's what I was getting at." James said between his teeth and Celia shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, then tell me!" Celia said and James sighed before saying it.

"It's called the quiet game. To win, you have to be silent, and the first one to talk is the loser." James said and Celia shrugged her shoulders again.

"Okay- oh crap, am I out?" She asked and James shook his head no. "Okay, good, because I thought-" Celia said before getting cut off by James.

"Alright, game starts now." He said and they kept walking, then the leaves crunching and sticks snapping was heard again. Celia didn't like the game very much, but she didn't want to lose either, so she stayed silent.

Celia kicked a rock as James looked down at her.

stop kicking things, ceily. James had thought to himself, he knew once he started talking, she would talk to. So he just dragged her along with him. He thought maybe giving her a little tug would make her stop, maybe just a little bit, but it didn't help at all.

After a couple of more minutes, James noticed her legs getting tired. She kept getting slower, and slower. James sighed before stopping, he lifted her up and put her on his back. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. Her chin went on his shoulder as she grinned ear to ear. James took her cut hand and gave it a small kiss before continuing their walk.



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