fraternizing with the enemy

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"It's a shame what's become of this place. When I was young, we used to come here for fabulous dinners and parties. I knew nothing of the politics of the time, of course, but I remember it being beautiful." Zemo said as they walked around. There were many kids running around, and laughing. They just followed Zemo, he knew what to do.

"I'm gonna take a look around upstairs. See what you can find out here. And keep an eye on him." Sam said, walking away. Bucky stared at Zemo, who put his hands up in defense.

"I'll stay out of your way." Zemo said, walking away. Cecelia watched him walk off. Towards children?

Cecelia and Bucky kept an eye out for him as Bucky asked others if they knew who Donya was. Zemo was singing some song, and honestly, it creeped her out.

"Buck!" Cecelia exclaimed, grabbing his attention. He turned his head as she looked around. "I'm gonna head back, doesn't seem like I'm doing much to help." Cecelia said, Bucky nodded his head. She pointed her thumb in the direction of Zemo's home.

"Be careful, doll." He said, Cecelia nodded her head.

"Alright." She said, then continuing to walk away. Her hands slipped into her pockets as she walked back.

As she walked, she heard that again. Kids laughing, playing. She grinned when she saw it. She looked down before continuing her walk.

Her eyes stared down as she walked, she stared at the stones in the ground. Some of them had carved names in them, some were uneven, some were smooth. Her eyes stared down, that was it. She didn't look at anyone or anything but the rocks.

As she walked , she felt something big against her leg. She looked down to see a little boy with curly brown hair and tan skin. She looked around as she put on a confused smile.

"Hey there." Cecelia said as she looked around.

"I lost Kar." He said with tears streaming down his face. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked around.

"Who's Kar, buddy?" Cecelia asked as he held tightly to her leg. He was like a leech on her.

"Karli, I lost her!" He yelled, Cecelia looked around, getting stares from people. She cursed as she looked around.

"I'm sure she'll come back, buddy." She said. Was this the same Karli she was looking for? Curly red hair and chocolate brown eyes with freckled skin. Or was it some person named Karli that he knew.
"Think you can let go, though?" Cecelia asked him, trying to shake him off. He only held on tighter. "Ok." She sighed, looking around once again.

"Daniel!" Yelled a voice, Cecelia turned to see a red headed, curly haired girl running over.

"He was looking for you." Cecelia said, as he let go of her. He ran towards Karli and hugged her waist. Cecelia looked down at him and then back up at Karli who was protecting him from her.

"We need to talk." Cecelia said as Karli picked the boy up. She stormed past her, and Cecelia followed. "Karli, I'm serious." Cecelia said as Karli whispered something to the boy. She placed him down, and he went running.

"I know you are." Karli said turning around. Cecelia sighed as she stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"We don't wanna hurt you, Karli. All we need is for you to stop this shit." Cecelia said, Karli looked around.

"Follow me." Karli said, Cecelia decided to do as told. She walked up next to Karli as she walked. "You've got no idea why I'm doin this, do you?" Karli asked her, Cecelia shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"Only a bit." She said looking at her, Karli looked back before sighing.

"Ever since the blip, everyone only cares about the people who came back, not the people who lived through it." Karli told her as they walked down an alleyway. Cecelia looked down, nodding her head. Karli did have a point of that, but why did she have to kill people? "Everyone banded together during the blip, I'm sure you know." Karli said, Cecelia nodded again. Natasha and Steve became her small family.

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