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"You're lovely lady wants to meet, she left a contact number."

"She's not...she's not my lady, alright?"

Cecelia, Bucky, and Sam were walking down the roads. Karli had called and threatened Sam's sister and her 2 boys.

"That affectionate kiss on the cheek really seemed like it." Sam said, Cecelia rolled her eyes as he started to text Karli. Cecelia looked down at the phone as he read the message.

"She said come alone." Sam said, looking up at Bucky. Cecelia looked down at his phone. He saw Karli's number and she sighed.

Don't do it

"I'm coming with you." Bucky said, making Sam sigh. Cecelia quickly copied the number. She punched it in quickly before shoving the phone into her pocket.

They walked back to Zemo's again. Cecelia stood next to Bucky as they did so. They hurried to his doors as Cecelia pulled her phone out again.

It's Cecelia.

I need to talk to you,
but not over text.

what do you
want to
talk about

Can you not read?
I wanted to talk to you
in private in real life.
Not on a screen.

just tell me the topic
or whatever

I wanna talk
about us.
What are we?

Cecelia left her on read at that point. Bucky tried to glance over her shoulder, but she was private about it.

"Who are you texting?" He asked her as she put her phone back into her pocket again. Cecelia looked up at him as Sam rushed inside to grab his suit as well.

"Peter, he was wondering where I was." Cecelia lied to his face, Bucky looked at her skeptically.

"Are you lying?" He asked as he looked at her face. Cecelia shook her head no.

"Why would I lie?" Cecelia asked and Bucky shrugged his shoulders.

"You're being a sneak about it." Bucky said and Cecelia frowned. She put her arms out as he interrogated her.

"I'm not being a sneak, I just like my privacy." She said before walking away from him.

Cecelia walked over to the couch, and grabbed her backpack. She put it over her shoulder and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door and sighed. She started to put her suit on, not exactly loving her suit.

Cecelia liked her white suit better. She liked her suit from Wakanda, and the first one that Tony made. It wasn't that she hated this one, it was just dark. Her HYDRA suit was dark, and she hated that. She hated the dark navy, and the red stitching. It reminded her of Hydra's dark black suit with a red symbol on her shoulder.

But her suit from Wakanda was small, and her white one was torn at the leg. Both were shoved in a box inside of her closet at her apartment. Cecelia also missed her widow bites, they weren't on the suit she had now.

Cecelia zipped up her suit before grabbing her belt. She latched it around her waist and bent down to grab her weapons. She placed them into her belt as she thought about Karli. She barely knew her, but she felt so connected. She never felt that way about anyone.

Cecelia finished getting dressed, and ended up pulling her hair into a high ponytail. She walked out of the bathroom and saw Sam and Bucky no where in sight.

Go to the alley way where we spoke

Cecelia sighed as she looked around. "Buck!" Cecelia exclaimed.

"Yeah, doll?" He asked as he ran to the bathroom with Sam chasing after him. They were about to fight over who got it first.

"Just wondering where you were." She said as the door slammed shut. Sam hit it with his hand as Cecelia sighed.

"You live with him?" He asked, Cecelia nodded her head. Sam sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm getting dressed in his bedroom." Sam sighed, Cecelia nodded, knowing it'd take him awhile due to the complexity of his suit. Bucky had a bit of time. But she didn't have much time to talk to Karli. Minutes is what she had. 5-10 at most.

Cecelia watched him walk away and she rushed outside. She sprinted to the alley, and saw Karli standing there.

"Threatening Sam's family was to far." Cecelia said and Karli nodded her head.

"I wasn't gonna hurt them." She said and Cecelia looked at her. She had panted as she stood next to her.

"Listen, I don't got a lot of time." Cecelia said and Karli nodded her head. "So..."

"What are we?" Karli asked and Cecelia shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know." Cecelia said, shrugging her shoulders. Karli looked around.

"I've known you for a few days, and I feel connected." Karli said, intertwining their fingers. It sent a nervous shock through Cecelia as she stood there. "Ever since I met you in Germany, I couldn't get you off my mind." Karli said, Cecelia nodded her head in agreement.

"We don't have to label this, Karli." Cecelia said, sick of the labels. She was labeled as a monster, an assassin, a machine, a hero, and an avenger. But she didn't know what she was, she didn't need a label.

"What if I like labels." Karli said and Cecelia looked down. "I've never felt the way I feel about you with anyone else." Karli said, Cecelia looked in her eyes, getting lost. She took a deep breath as she stood there. Karli rose onto her toes, getting to Cecelia's height.

"I'm not a good person, Karli. I don't deserve this."

It all came out. Cecelia was afraid of the commitment of it, because she didn't have the capability of being loved. She didn't think she deserved it. Karli stared at her disapprovingly.

"Yes you are." Karli said, bringing her in. Cecelia leaned in, kissing her. Cecelia let it happen, she agreed to it, for once. Her hands went up to Karli's cheeks, as she closed her eyes.

"Karli." Cecelia said as their foreheads connected. "I don't want to label this." Cecelia said and Karli opened her eyes.

"Why?" Karli asked, Cecelia let out a shaky sigh.

"Because I'm scared." Cecelia admitted, Karli nodded her head.

"Then we don't need to label it then."


NORMALIZE SHORT CHAPTERS!!!!! anyways, my hubby is lit rick grimes he's fine asf. anyway, even though he's my husband i need some fic recs where he's like fatherly because idk i love seeing ricky as a father.

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