old man

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Cecelia was sitting in the passenger side, sitting on her heels. They were out of the museum, and they were now on the road. Her seatbelt was off as she sat and moved around. "Put your seatbelt on and sit on your butt, you're gonna hurt your legs." Bucky said. Cecelia adjusted how she was sitting and she went on her butt and out her seatbelt on. Cecelia grabbed the wallet and brought her knees to her chest.

"Don't fuck with that." Bucky said as Cecelia opened the wallet. She saw some guy's ID, she couldn't read his name, since she couldn't even read. There was lots of cash in the wallet, and multiple cards. Bucky grabbed the wallet from her and put it in his jean's pocket. "Don't touch that, ok?  There's stuff in there we could use." Bucky said and Cecelia nodded her head.

"I'm bored." Cecelia said as she played with her seat adjusters.

"Well, I got you stuff in the bag, so get something." Bucky said, Cecelia unbuckled and climbed into the backseat with her legs on her seat. She moved her bag to the backseat so she could move her legs.

For being 8 years old, she was very, very tall. Thanks to the serum. She was almost a foot taller than she should be.

"Bucky, what did you get?" Cecelia asked and Bucky kept his eyes on the road.

"There's a book, and I don't know coloring stuff, notebooks." He said and Cecelia sat back down and looked at him.

"I can't read." Cecelia said and Bucky furrowed his eyebrows.

"You can't read?" Bucky asked and Cecelia looked out the window. 

"I didn't exactly learn how to at Hydra." Cecelia said before staring down at her nails that were bit raw. Bucky placed a hand on her knee as she looked out the window. She leaned her head on it and the blood from her head leaked on the window. Bucky grabbed her end of her braid and lightly pulled her away.

"I gotta clean that out." Bucky said as he drove. Cecelia looked out the window again as Bucky continued to drive. He looked at the radio and turned it up.

When he turned the radio on, he heard a lot of rap. He looked alarm at the amount of curse words. "That's not 40's music." He muttered as Cecelia put her feet on the dash. "Take your feet off the dash." He said and Cecelia rolled her eyes. She took her feet off the dash before looking at him.

"Were you around when the dinosaurs were around?" Cecelia asked him and Bucky furrowed his eyebrows. He was honestly surprised he knew dinosaurs existed.

"No, Ceily. I was not around, I'm not that old." Bucky said, making Cecelia snort. He looked at her with an offended look as she put her head on her hand. "I'm not that old." Bucky said, lying to the two people in the car. Himself and Cecelia.

"How old are you?" Cecelia asked him as she adjusted the head of her seat for fun.

"One hundred and three." He said silently, knowing he sounded very old. Cecelia tapped her ear, starting to agitate him more and more by the second.

"Huh? Couldn't hear you, think you could say it a bit louder?" Cecelia asked him and Bucky hit his hand on the wheel.

"One hundred and three, smartass. At least I'm not an annoying little 8 year old who's biologically 30." Bucky said agitated as she continued to annoy him.

"At least I'm not an old man." Cecelia shot back and Bucky sighed as Cecelia

"Put your fucking seatbelt on and don't take it off until we're parked!" Bucky exclaimed and Cecelia sat back down facing forward with her arms crossed. She didn't put her seatbelt on and Bucky gripped onto the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white and his face going red.

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