mission report

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The Hydra Soldier.

The Hydra Soldier was a 8 year old assassin, her story starts when was 4 years old, daughter to Marshall and Adeline Tucker. Before she was the Hydra Soldier, she was Celia Grace Tucker. It was her birthday, and they were at the kitchen table.

In front of of Celia was a cupcake with a candle on it. Her family didn't have much, but they had a lot of love to give.

"Make a wish, baby." Said Adeline, her eyes were full of tears, and her face was red. She held a camera as she videoed her daughter, unknowingly filming the last moments she would see her.

"Why are you crying, mommy?" Celia asked. Her fathers hand went on her back, trying to stop her from worrying about her mother.

"Just blow out your candles, baby." He said, ruffling her hair.

Celia had wished for her mother to be happy, and for her to stop crying. She blowed out her candles, then hearing a knock on the door.

Adeline knelt down in front of her youngest, and only child. "Celia, baby, your gonna be going away for awhile." She said, placing a hand on her cheek. Marshall stood behind her, with a hand still on her back.

"No, mama, I wanna stay with you and papa!" Celia had exclaimed.

"Addy, we have to open the door." Marshall said as the banging got louder.

"No! I'm not going!" Celia yelled, the door came opened, falling off of it's hinges.

"Here, here she is!" Marshall exclaimed, holding his daughter up. She was shorter and skinnier than an average 4 year old, her family didn't have much, they couldn't feed her balanced meals and make her big and strong.

"Please, I don't wanna go!" Celia yelled as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I know, baby. But you have to, mommy and daddy are going to get money, and then you'll come home and we'll be happy." Addy said wiping her daughter's tears away.

A loud noise was heard, and a group of people came walking in. One man even had a metal arm. Celia looked at her father who had her.

The man with the metal arm raised his gun at Adeline. He shot it, hitting her in the back of the head. "Mama!" Celia yelled thrashing in her father's grip.

"I have her here, ok? She's right here!" Marshall yelled, a bullet went towards Marshall.

"Papa!" Cecelia yelled as Marshall dropped his daughter. He dropped to the ground, holding his stomach. Cecelia went running to the living room. The bullet went through his stomach. He fell back onto the ground as Cecelia sprinted.

"получить ее" (get her) the winter soldier was handed a sedative. He followed behind the four year old who was about to run out the door. He'd grabbed her by her hair, bringing her back. The red ribbon in her hair becoming slightly undone as she went into his grasp. He put the sedative in her neck, then injecting it. Her eyes went heavy, and the dark consumed her.

Since that day, she became a Hydra Assassin. Known as the Hydra Soldier to everyone at Hydra. She was 8 now, and she was 5'5 and 1/2, much bigger than any eight year old ever was. Her thick brown hair that was usually in a red ribbon was now always in a tight braids.

Currently, she was being escorted to her controller, Alexander Pierce. He controlled her every move. Something happened on her mission with her mentor, the Winter Soldier.

She was walked into the room where he was sitting. The man behind her kicked the back of her knee so she'd get down. She fell, and looked at Alexander.

"Mission Report." He said, Celia looked up at him.

"We failed." Is all Celia told him, he nodded his head. He stayed silent before delivering a back handed slap to her cheek. Her head whipped over, and then she looked back at him.

"How did you fail?" He asked Celia didn't know what to say. Instead she said nothing about it. "Tell me now, Soldier. How did you fail?" He asked, Celia didn't know how to answer.

"I don't know, sir." She said as she stared up at him. He nodded his head, sighing. He put a hand on his chin.

"You don't know?" He asked, she nodded her head.

"I don't." She said, he let out a low chuckle. He cleared his throat before looking at the young girl.

"The man on the bridge, did The Winter Soldier seem to know him?" He asked, Celia didn't know the answer.

"I don't know, sir." Celia said, he grew impatient. He sighed again looking at her.

"It's a yes or no answer, soldier." He said, Celia stared down at the ground. He grabbed her by the chin roughly, making her look up at him.

"No, but the man seemed to know him, he called him Bucky." Celia said, Pierce let her face go and nodded his head. He stood up straight before pacing the room.

"Very well." He said, nodding his head. Celia stared at him.

"You know how many people you've killed to shape mankind, you know how much you've helped shape it?" He asked, Celia heard the screams of her victims in the back of her head. Begging for her to stop, begging for her not to kill them. It made her feel like less of a human that Hydra made her.

"Seventy three." She said, hearing them in the back of her head. Pierce nodded his head.

"Society's at a tipping point between order and chaos. And tomorrow morning, we're gonna give it one last push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, soldier. And HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves. You think you can do it one more time?" He asked her, she looked up at him. She nodded her head. He put a hand on her cheek. He nodded his head as she looked up at him. His thumb traced her cheekbone as she looked up at her superior, getting the chill from his cold touch.

"Yes, sir."


this is my first marvel book and i'm really enjoying how it is going in the next couple chapters! If you have any questions ask, and if you have any suggestions, please tell me!

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