once in a blue moon

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"Maybe I wanna be like the guy with wings."

"No, doll, we don't like him." Bucky said as Cecelia jumped off of their crappy old couch. The two found it on the streets of Bucharest, it had cigarette burns, and stains on it, but it was the best they could get.

"Come on, he was super cool." Cecelia said, Bucky shook his head no again.

"No he was not, Cecelia." He said as Cecelia got back up on the couch.

"You're just jealous you can't fly." Cecelia said as she jumped off the couch for what felt like the hundredth time, the bun in her hair becoming a mess as she jumped around.

"I hate heights, so I could care less." He said as she walked into the kitchen. She sat down on the counter as wrote in a small book, one much similar to Cecelia's.

Cecelia looked into it, seeing a picture of the Captain. Bucky closed the book, putting it into his back pocket. "We had a rule, you don't look at my journal and I don't look at yours." He said and Cecelia looked down. She looked over at the picture that they had on the counter. Cecelia drawn it, it was with her and Bucky. Two stick figures on a beach, and then there was rules on it.

Bucky and Ceily's rules!

1. don't invade each others privacy
2. no lying
3. no stealing (from each other)
4. no more drawing on Bucky's arm
5. no more putting magnets on Bucky's arm

Cecelia sighed and put her head on her hand. "Bucky, I don't think you understand how bored I am!" Cecelia exclaimed as he put a hand on her knee.

"I don't think you understand how much I need silence, Ceily. It's Bucky's time right now, 5-6 o'clock. Then dinner." He said, Cecelia hopped down from the counter.

They had a schedule. At 9 AM is when they woke up, Cecelia sometimes earlier. Bucky didn't like waking up much.

"Bucky!" Cecelia said as she jumped on him. He was asleep on the junky old pullout couch. Bucky groaned and put his head into his pillow.

"Go back to bed, sweetheart." He said, his voice sounded tired, it was his morning voice. He wrapped his arm around her and had her come next to him. He held her close and he fell back asleep.

Most times Cecelia would as well.

After waking up was breakfast, and then they'd spend the day together. So, Bucky decided since every waking minute revolved around the little girl, he could use one small break. One hour of quiet, no questions, unless there was emergency. That's when Bucky would write paragraphs about his life, reminisce about the 40's, and Steve. Think about his brother.

After that hour, which felt like eternity to Cecelia was dinner. Then brushing teeth, showering, they'd hang out for a bit, watch an old movie on their shitty old TV that was half broken. You had to slam your hand on it to turn it on. Then finally, it was bedtime.

"How come I don't get a dedicated time?" Cecelia asked and Bucky looked at her as she started walking to her room. Her room was more like a closet with a mattress in it.

"Every hour of my life revolves around you, doll!" He exclaimed as Cecelia closed her door. She sat on her mattress before grabbing her journal. "Draw me a picture!" He exclaimed, making Cecelia groan.

She grabbed her warn out colored pencils, and then a knife that she had. She started to make it more pointed by shaving the edges.

She rolled her eyes hearing Bucky sigh from the kitchen. He was humming some old timey song.

"What're you humming?" Cecelia yelled from her room.

"An old song." Bucky said as she drew a picture of a sunflower.

"What song?" Cecelia asked, Bucky sighed. He'd sound old saying it, but to Cecelia he was old no matter what.

"Blue Moon by Frank Sinatra." He said, Cecelia nodded her head. She continued drawing her picture as Bucky started in gong. He sounded horrendous, but Cecelia let him. It was on rare occasions he was in a good mood like this. "No more questions.! My time!" Bucky yelled to her, Cecelia rolled her eyes as she toyed with her knife. It was a very popular toy for 8 year olds...

Cecelia got brown and grabbed her pocket knife. She twirled it around in her fingers. The door of her closet/room came open, and Bucky saw her playing with a knife. He frowned when he saw her with a knife in her hand.

"Doll, what did I say about that?" He asked as he took the knife from her hand. Cecelia sighed as he placed it inside of his pocket.

"I need to sharpen my pencils!" Cecelia exclaimed.

"Come dance with me, doll. I'm bored." Bucky said as Cecelia rolled onto her back.

Whenever he was in a good mood, she was in a bad mood. Whenever he was in a bad mood, she was in a good mood. It was on rare occasion the two were both in good moods.

"Come on, I still have moves from the 40s." He said taking Cecelia's hand. She laughed as she got off of her bed.

"Used to do this with my sister." He said as he dragged Cecelia into the living room. Cecelia had a bright smile on her face, similar to Bucky's.

"I don't have a radio, so just listen to me." He said putting his left hand on Cecelia's waist, and taking her hand in his. "Come on, Cecelia." He said as she swayed back and forth with him. He gave her a small spin while singing the lyrics to Blue Moon.

Cecelia was laughing at him as he sang and danced with her. It was the first time she saw him happy in awhile.

To Bucky, it was the most fun he's had in awhile. Dancing with someone he considered his own kid made him happy. He loved Cecelia like his own. He loved her like she was her daughter. When he saw his little girl happy, it made him happy.

Right now was one of the times he genuinely felt happy. He felt like he was back before Hydra and the war. Just a happy person.

It was times like these when he forgot about everything he'd done. He would just focus on the life he had, the kid he had. Cecelia Barnes was Bucky Barnes' life.

Cecelia was laughing and giggling as he danced with her. Bucky finishers singing the song, and then just started to sway with Cecelia. Her head rested up against his chest.

"I love you so much, doll." He said, instead of having her hand in his, she wrapped both of her arms around him.

"I love you more, Bucky." Cecelia said and Bucky shook his head.

"Nope, I love the most." He said, Cecelia looked up at him. He had a glimmer in his eyes that she'd never seen before.

Bucky kissed the top of her head, he put the hand on the back of her head, keeping her close to him.

"I don't think I've loved anyone more than I love you, Bucky." Cecelia said, Bucky lifted her into his arms. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and shook his head.

"I still love the most."

It was once in a blue moon Bucky Barnes was in a good mood like this.




so i went back to like good mood 40's bucky in this AND I BROUGHT UP REBECCA BECAUSE SHE DESERVES TO BE BROUGHT UP MY CHILDREN!!!!😗😗😗


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