second name

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"Am I ever gonna go to school?" Cecelia asked him as her knees went to her chest.

"If we get our names cleared, then yeah." Bucky said as Cecelia looked down. Her hand was still wrapped, and the bandages were turning color. Bucky hoped there was no infection, because he had nothing to clean it with.

"Why don't you get some rest, doll." Bucky said as she looked out the window. She shifted how she was sitting before biting her nail. "Hey, what'd I say about that?" Bucky said as he slapped her hand from her face. Cecelia put her hand back in her lap as she stared ahead. That resulted into her cracking every knuckle. Every pop agitating Bucky, but he chose to let her. She needed some way to handle stress by not eating her nails off. "Take a nap, you haven't been sleeping good." He said as she sighed. She was exhausted, but she didn't want to sleep. She was afraid, she hated her dreams and what happened in them.

"I'm not tired, Bucky." Cecelia lied, turning her head. Bucky sighed as he tried to think of something for her to do. Bucky saw the dark circles beneath her eyes and he raised an eyebrow. She would be asleep soon, so why would he make her?

"Try reading that book I got you, practice reading." Bucky suggested. Cecelia shrugged her shoulders and Bucky looked at the road.

Seconds later Cecelia took out the book. Charlotte's Web She looked at the cover. She opened the book and saw something.

This book belongs to...

"Bucky?" Cecelia asked, Bucky looked at her as she grabbed her pen from out of her pocket.

"What's up?" Bucky asked and Cecelia glanced at him for a moment.

"What's my other name?" Cecelia asked, Bucky furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean, doll?" Bucky asked and Cecelia sighed.

"Ya know, your name is Bucky Barnes, what's my second name?" Cecelia asked and Bucky nodded his head, realizing what she had meant by second name.

"You mean last name?" He asked, and Cecelia nodded her head.

"Yeah, what's my last name?" Cecelia asked, Bucky didn't know what her last name was. All he knew was that her name was Cecelia. She went by Cecelia, Ceily, and Doll. She never had a last name.

"I don't know." Bucky said and Cecelia looked down. "You can take mind if you want. You wanna be Cecelia Barnes?" Bucky asked, Cecelia nodded her head. Bucky nodded his head as well.

"Cecelia Barnes it is then." Bucky said, Cecelia smiled to herself before clicking her pen. "Has a nice ring to it." He complimented, making Cecelia smile even more.

This book belongs to...
Cecelia Barnes

"C-e-c-e-l-i-a B-a-r-n-e-s." Cecelia spelt out as she wrote it down in her book. Bucky smiled at her taking his last name.

"Atta girl." He complimented her spelling. She smiled as she closed her book.

"Not gonna read it?" He asked, Cecelia shook her head no. "It's good for your mind, doll." He tried to convince her. Cecelia just shook her head no again.

"I don't feel like reading." She shrugged as she put it into her blue backpack.

"If you say so." Bucky shrugged his shoulders. He sped up a bit and Cecelia put her window down. She put her hand out the window, and he smiled. She looked out of it, a small grin resting on her face.

After awhile, Cecelia took our her journal. She wanted to write about her new last name

dear diary

I guess i am now Cecelia Barnes i am happy about it i used to not have a 2nd name Bucky said that i could have his 2nd name or his last name that's what people call it

i didnt know i needed one until i opened my book it said that this book belongs to and then there was a line so i did not know what to write down so i asked bucky

he said i could use his last name so now i am Cecelia Barnes

i like my name a lot it makes me very happy i think it makes bucky happy to it is just a feeling

we are driving to californa and i am exsited because there is a beach Bucky promised me we would go to a beach at some point so i am happy about that

he says it is gonna be a long couple of weeks to californa because it is across the country on our map

but we will be safe there i hope

cecelia Barnes

Bucky watched Cecelia writing in her journal. Well, he didn't watch. He gave a couple of glances as she wrote.

She had her focused face on. Her nose was scrunched a little, and he tongue was sticking out. It was cute, he was lucky to see this moments like that.

Bucky was more than happy to give Cecelia his last name. She was like his daughter, after all. He lived Cecelia like his own. He'd do anything for her. He'd kill anyone who crossed her, or even looked at her the wrong way.

Cecelia was writing, and he could see he grammar and spelling mistakes. Hydra didn't exactly teach that stuff, so Bucky had to. Even though his patience would die out with her.

He used to teach his sister how to read, and his sister was smart, so it wasn't hard. But Cecelia was 9 years old, and she had barely any ability up until a few weeks ago. So reaching her other things in english would be hard.

"b-a-r-n-e-s." she spelt out quietly, sending a smile to Bucky face. He nodded his head as he continued to drive.

As he drive, he no longer heard Cecelia's pen scribbling against her paper. He heard small breaths, and they were calm. He gave a glance to see her curled up in a ball facing his way. She was dead asleep.

Bucky smoothed her hair back as she rested.

"Cecelia Barnes." He said, nodding his head.
He liked it.


hey guys! i made this happy for you! giving you a quick break for a couple of chapters! 👹

ALSO SINCE IVE CHANGED CECELIA's AGE ABOUT NINE HUNDRED TIMES, if you see it as 9 pretend it's 8 unless i talk abt like a birthday. btw her birthday is like December 13 in like the 80s, didn't figure that shite out,

and also guys...pls feel free to comment...i don't bite

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