Chapter 1: Last First Day of High School

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Carly's first day of school outfit in the media:) happy reading!

Chapter I: Last First Day of High School

"Wake up baby sis it's your first day of senior year." Marcus, my older brother said while shaking my shoulder.

I groaned and planted my face into my pillow. Then swatted my hand in the air as if Marcus was some annoying fly.

Today is my first day of senior year. And it's a pretty big deal for my family. I'm the youngest child and I graduate in a couple of months.

Marcus graduated two years ago and now it's my turn. He was number eight of his class. While I'm number one. I have been ever since the beginning of my sophomore year.

"Can it start next week?" I groggily asked while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
Marcus just rolled his eyes while opening my curtains letting the horrible light in my room.

This made me fall out of bed along with my covers onto my wooden floor. Then I stood up and put my covers back on my bed and made my bed.

"Sorry to disappoint you." He laughed while happily walking out of my room.

I sighed while opening my double doors that lead to my closet. You know like Spencer's in Pretty Little Liars.

I then walked into my closet, and chose a white blouse looking top that showed both of my shoulders. Then some jean shorts and flip flops with white straps on them. After I put them all on, my iPhone 6 plus started to buzz on my nightstand so I dashed out of my closet and answered it.

"Hey girl!" One of my best friends Keely shouted into the phone.

I rolled my eyes while looking at myself in my narrow mirror that was on my light pink wall next to my desk where my MacBook Pro is sitting there closed and waiting to be used.

Keely made it as head cheerleader for our varsity cheer team. I was so proud of her. I watched her tryout last week and she was really good. I would've joined her, but I really just want to focus on the academics of school and not so much the sports. Also, we used to cheer together in middle school. That's how we met.

"Hey! So what are you planning on wearing?" I asked her while heating up my straightener.
Thank goodness that there was an outlet next to my mirror so I can look at myself while doing my hair.

I have light blonde wavy hair just like my mom. Marcus got his dirt blonde hair from our dad. Which is somewhat understandable. My hair got lighter over the summer. But my skin got darker.

"Eh just probably some sundress I bought at Wet Seal." She said with a laugh.
I then sat down in front of the mirror and then put the phone on speaker while doing my hair.

So basically while I was doing my hair, Keely was giving me full out details about her outfit. Then I had to hang up and tell her that I'll meet her in front of the statue of our mascot, which is a grizzly bear because I wanted to save my phone battery. Last year, I always had to bring my charger with me, and this year will be different.

I then put on my floral Jansport backpack and grabbed my phone then turned off my light while walking into the bathroom and brushing my teeth and then applying my makeup which is just Naked 3, and lip gloss and then some foundation.

"Man do girls always have to have there day organized? Or is it just you?" My brother asked while sipping on his coffee at the bar that's connected to the kitchen.
I gave him a glare then smacked the back of his head which made him spit out his coffee.

I smirked to myself while opening the fridge and grabbing the glass pitcher of orange juice, then putting it on the counter of the bar and grabbing a glass and pouring some juice in it.

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