Chapter 7: Goodbye Pretty Boy

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Chapter VII: Goodbye Pretty Boy

"Hey did you do the homework?" Drew asks me while taking his seat next to me in class.
This made me sigh and close my book while adjusting my glasses.

I never really wear them outside of my house, but today I didn't really feel like putting on my contacts so I just left my glasses on my face. I mean I've worn them last year a couple of times. So it's not like I look any different than I usually do. And I'm a loser, like anybody really would pay any attention towards me. I'm not pretty enough to have people want to be my friend at school.

"Of course I did! Why didn't you do the homework Rollings!?" I chastised while crossing my arms over my chest.
I then started giving him my evil eye, but Marcus says that it's not really attractive.

Drew was looking at me weirdly then rolled his eyes. While just sighing and then raising his eyebrow. Which kinda annoys me so I just continue with my evil eye. To see if he hopefully catches on to why I'm giving him this freaking look.

"You look weird. What's up with your eye?" He asked while taking out his notebook.
This made me stop, and frown while the bell rang to signal to go to class which is third period.

I thought Marcus was only saying that because he's my older brother, siblings always have to say negative things to you once in a while. Otherwise it's not considered a normal relationship. I have a psychiatrist for a mother. She tells me these sort of things. Which can get pretty damn annoying because she makes a point on things that actually make sense and it makes me look stupid in her eyes.

"Hey bro." Connor said while taking his usual seat not before patting Drew on the shoulder.

"Lance coming?" Drew asked while guessing on his homework.

"Nah, him and McKayla are having too much fun in his truck." Connor chuckled while taking out his completed homework.
I couldn't help but overhear him, who on earth is McKayla?

And I thought that Lance was dating my best friend Keely. Is he cheating on her? I mean, why would he? I thought he loved her. And does Keely know about this? That he's having too much fun with some McKayla slut? I'm scared to tell her because Keely may look strong and all but she can easily break.

"What a shocker. So I'm guessing he's cheating on Keely then." Drew said nonchalantly.
It's like this isn't a shock to him at all! Did he expect that Lance would one day cheat on Keely?

This made me mad, I mean my poor best friend is going to have her heart broken sometime this week. And here I am thinking of a plan to save my best friend before it's over. But what should I do? I've never been in this position before so I don't know what to think of it to be honest.

"Yeah, you know Lance, the guy doesn't stay committed. He gets tired of one girl so he goes onto the next one then the next one." Connor laughed while texting on his phone.
The bell then rang to start class. So that means I can't ask Connor anything until class is over.

Urgh, this is going to be a long day.


"Are you sure?" Naomi asked me while eating her taco from Taco Bell.
We currently are eating lunch that we bought from home in our school cafeteria.

Naomi got that twelve pack of tacos but it's at her house. And she doesn't bother to bring her best friend any of that goodness. Which is pretty disappointing because I honestly was looking forward to having some delicious tacos for lunch today. But I just end up eating a calzone instead. Which may I say, is yummy.

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