Chapter 6: I Like Eating Alone Sometimes

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Chapter VI: I Like Eating Alone Sometimes

I look at the clock in my classroom, lunch is in ten minutes. And it's not just any lunch. It's extended senior lunch. Where seniors can have lunch for at least two hours. We get to miss our fifth period and be late for our sixth period as well.

My phone buzzed and I sighed when I looked at what Naomi and Keely have both texted me.

Naomi: Sorry girl! I have to take pictures of all the seniors having senior lunch!!

Man that must suck. She has to be a spy and take pictures of all the seniors. I then texted her back.

Me: May God be with you

I then looked at Keely's message. This made me roll my eyes.

Keely: I'm sorry! Lance is taking me to Chick Fil a! I had no idea that he would do that!

I sighed and replied back with an okay have fun.

"Seniors you can leave, now be safe and have fun." My teacher said while flashing us a smile.

I walked out of the building and then walked up to my car and got in, I saw Ashton and his gang talking in front of some big red truck.

I rolled my eyes and started my engine and then drove out of the school parking lot and onto the road to go to Panera Bread. While I'm driving, I'm thinking about what I should order for lunch. I mean, I basically have about an hour or so to eat the damn food.

Once I get there, I find an empty parking spot that's kind of far from the building and turn off my engine then get out with my wallet, phone, and car keys and walk inside Panera.

"Welcome to Panera." Some blonde cute college guy said at the cash register.

"Hey can I get a broccoli and cheese soup?" I asked while taking out my wallet.

"Yea sure thing gorgeous." He said with a wink and smirk.

"Thank you." I said while handing him my debit card.

Once he swiped it, he handed me my card back, along with my receipt and some thing that lets me know when my order is ready.

I sat down at some empty table, then waited for my food to be ready, while I was waiting, I saw Drew and some guy walk inside and got in line looking at what to get on the menu.

Then it was time to get my order. I got up and gave the worker my order thing and then grabbed my soup and set the tray down at the booth table that I was at earlier. But I then got up really quick to make myself a drink then sat back down.

"Hey stranger." Drew said while smirking at me and then crossing his arms.

"Urm hey." I awkwardly said because I hate eating in front of people. Especially when they're attractive people.

"What are you doing by yourself?" He asked with amusement.

"My friends kind of bailed on me and now I'm eating alone." I murmered while dipping a piece of my bread into my soup.

"It's either they bailed on you, or they didn't bail on you. There's never a kind of you know." He chuckled and took a seat across from me.

"Okay well then they bailed on me I guess." I sighed while sipping on my drink.

"So they left you eating alone." He said with a frown.

"I like eating alone sometimes." I mumbled.

"That's not fun." He chuckled.

"Drew our orders are ready." His friend shouted from where you get the orders from.

"Alright man." He shouted back then looked back at me. "You're more than welcome to sit with us if you want. He's a good guy." He said while pointing his head towards his buddy.

"I bet. But no thanks, I'll just enjoy myself a little." I sighed while picking up the spoon and dipped it into my delicious soup.

"Ha alright have fun. And if you change your mind, we'll welcome you with open arms." He laughed while standing up and giving me a wave.

I waved back with a smile. Once he got back to his friend and picked up his food, I looked down and started to slurp on my soup.

I really don't mind eating by myself, it gets me to capture my thoughts. Like colleges for example, I have to apply to some as soon as possible. I'll even apply to my brother's college, which is Clemson like I said before. But I also want to apply to some out of state ones as well. Like for example, Brown. I know it's probably a long shot, but it won't hurt to try. I looked into their website, it's seems like a pretty cool college.

But a school like that costs a lot of money. And my parents definitely won't let me go. So sadly, Clemson is the best option for me. But that doesn't mean that I won't stop trying.


"So, how was lunch with Lance?" I asked while eating a french fry from Five Guys.

"Annoying, all he wants is sex, sex, and oh sex. He's ugh." She sighed while taking a big bite from her hamburger, well cheese burger at that.
I swear, this girl can eat two burgers at once but yet still remain skinny.

Keely loves food. But she only shows it towards me or Naomi. Because she gets easily embarrassed at times if she does it in front of anyone else.

"Well he's a guy. I'm sure that's all they think about." I sighed while taking a bite from my burger.

"And care about." She sighed while looking lost in thought.

"Well Drew doesn't talk about sex to me you know." I said while putting some fries into my burger.

"I still don't get why on earth you would eat that." She chuckled while giving a pointed look at my delicious baby.

"Because it's good." I said while taking a huge bite.

"Alrighty then." She laughed while eating a french fry.

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