Chapter 8: Do You Not Like Her?

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Chapter VIII: Do You Not Like Her?

"Ugh this is embarrassing." I groaned while leaning my head against the window.
My big brother is currently driving me to school. In his dark red 2014 Hummer.

My car couldn't start, and my parents are already gone to start their daily routines, so Marcus suggested that he can drive me to school. I asked Naomi and Keely. But Keely is skipping today to go to the beach with Lance. While Naomi had an Italian club meeting early before school. So I was about to ask Drew, but my own brother beat me to it. By suggesting that he should take me to school because it's more "safer" because he doesn't want a boy to drive me to school because Marcus is worried that he will take advantage of me or something of that sort.

"It's not that bad." Marcus chuckled while hitting a red light.

"I'd rather ride with Drew." I mumbled angrily to myself.

"And you get raped!? Nope. Not happening." He said while checking himself out in the mirror.

"He's a good guy. I'm sure that he won't bother to rape me." I sighed while looking at my phone.

"Wearing that he probably would." He said whilst giving a pointed look towards my outift.
This made me scoff. While he started to drive again, once the light went green again.

I'm wearing my light grey sweatpants, with my black Starbucks crop shirt, and black flip flops. I just started my period this morning and honestly, when I'm on it, I really don't give a shit about my daily attire. So people can judge me, their opinions don't mean anything to me. But I'm not telling my brother that's the reason on why I'm dressed like this. He really doesn't like me talking about "girl problems". Especially since it sounds pretty gross in a boy's mind. I actually wouldn't blame the guy for not wanting to know anything about it.

"I just am not in the mood to be all dressy today." I said while shrugging my shoulders.
It was started to sprinkle on the windshield. Which made Marcus turn on the windshield wipers.

I actually like rain storms. I know it sounds depressing. But I really do like them. I even like to sleep during them as well. It soothes me from any stress that I have during that particular day or week. And they're fun to watch through my window. I just like the rain. So I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the cool window. And listened to the sound of the raindrops pounding against the window.

"Ah your girl problems huh?" I heard him chuckle

"Yep, when can my car be fixed? Because this is awkward." I said while opening my eyes.

"Eh, two days." He said nervously while clearing his throat.

"Two days!? It can't take Josh that damn long!" I squealed while glaring at my idiot brother.
He just gave me a quick look then focused back onto the road.

Josh is one of my brother's frat brothers. Or boys. And he's studying mechanism at Clemson. I met him a couple of times. But not as much as I met James. Anyways, Marcus told Josh about my car problems. Apparently I just needed a new battery. Which sucks because I actually like driving my car because it makes me feel free. But oh well, I just have to wait until Josh returns my baby to me in two days safe and sound. And unharmed.

"Calm down, I don't mind taking you home after school tomorrow." He said while pulling into the front of the school in the circular

"Actually I think that Keely can take me home tomorrow. Thanks anyway." I said while grabbing my stuff together and getting out.


I sighed while closing my locker and started to walk to third period. Which is AP Psychology. We took a big chapter one test on Friday and today we get our tests back. I've been thinking about my test all damn weekend. I honestly am going to die if I don't score a 100. Being top student and all. I have to keep my streak. Ever since sophomore year, I've been getting straight 100s on my quizzes, tests, and exams. And my parents are proud of me. Marcus is too but he doesn't want to show it off.

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