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Across the galaxy, worlds away from planet Earth, a large civilization of the Sovereign, created to be flawless, rejoiced for the newest addition. A new generation that could break their evolution for years had been announced a year before. Their God pursued perfection, pretending this gift to be nothing but gratitude. Despite seeing themselves as higher beings, the Sovereign people believed in their creator. Unaware that if this newest experiment topped their limited intelligence, their existence would be replaced.

The Sovereign people did not give birth to children. They did not know the joys of parenthood. Birthing pods were their means to propagate, and their newborns were hatched as adults. This is how their lives continued for decades. Never to grow attachments.

Their God had realized that their beauty did not mean much if they could not evolve, learn, and adapt. He couldn't simply destroy their existence due to the Sovereign people's deep loyalty to him. Their God had to figure out how to replace them, and he has, in the most selfish and evil way possible.

Ayesha, the Golden High Priestess, sat upon her throne. Her posture is high, and her delicate arms rest stiffly upon the armrest of her throne. The birth pod in front of her is large and luxurious, shimmering as it begs to be opened. For months, she eyed the large object, anticipating what she believed could keep in favor with the High Evolutionary. She looked over it as if the individual growing inside were to be her flesh and blood. Speaking to it with gentle encouragement and reminders of who they'll be once out of the cacoon.

She had never experienced such joys before, and in her mind, she questioned why. What purpose did she have to love someone she hadn't met yet? It all felt too strange.

As the Sovereign scientists stepped beside the pod, Ayesha snapped out of her thoughts, and with a wave from their queen, the scientist began to open the double doors.

Gases quickly seeped from the crack, and a sound of pressure being released moaned out into the room. Ayesha leaned forward as the doors opened wider, and the gases began to escape from the enclosed space slowly. Golden liquids fell onto the floor with a loud splash, causing some scientists to jump in disgust. As the revolted murmurs died down, a woman finally came to view.

Still in a slumbering state for a few seconds longer, a gasp came from her lips, and she fell forward into one of the scientist's arms, who rushed to catch her. Just as their bodies collided, the woman's eyes flew open, and she gripped the scientist with slight dread. Awareness came to her. The sounds, smells, and textures are overwhelming. While the scientist struggled to help their creation on her clumsy feet, Ayesha stood, watching the pair fumble back to the floor.

"Be still," Ayesha spoke loudly yet gently while her heels tapped against the steps leading away from her throne threshold.

Finally, accepting that the legs of the newborn were not quite ready, the scientist cradled the naked creature in his arms.

The voice from the Golden High Priestess caught the woman's attention. She shakingly looked up at Ayesha with wide, fearful eyes. She desperately wanted to understand what had happened. One moment, she saw darkness, warm and at peace. And the next; the light's brightness impairs her eyes, the room is cold, and everything is too perplexing to comprehend.

The scientist helped the creation to her knees so he could move to the side. Allowing Ayesha to step in front of her. Kneeling, Ayesha carefully touched the fully grown experiment by the chin, examining her features.

Like the rest of the Sovereign people, the woman is beautiful with golden skin, hair, and eyes. But to Ayesha's surprise, the child's hair is curly and thick. Not straight. It is an odd texture, but this is what the High Evolutionary wanted. Her features were unique. Far more beautiful than any man or woman she had ever seen.

"You are perfect," Ayesha cooed, examining her naked figure. She smiled, holding the side of the wide-eyed woman's face. "Eve....you are perfect."

Eve breathed in as recognition overshadowed the fear. This name is familiar. Comforting. Captivating. With a shaky hand, Eve touched Ayesha's face with the tips of her fingers—curious. This woman's voice echoed in the back of her head; remembrance of joy from hearing a delightful voice gave way. Ayesha had to be essential, and Eve's fear slipped away. Love filled her heart just as quickly.

Seeing her hands for the first time, Eve pulled her touch away from Ayesha to study the back and front of them. Then, Eve took a chance to notice the throne room. Amazed by the high walls and ceilings. To be born in such a place gave Eve pleasure, but she wished the room wasn't so cold.

Notcing Eve's body shake, Ayesha snaps her fingers so her handmaiden can bring over a silk blanket. With a smile, Ayesha wrapped the blanket around Eve moments later and pulled Eve into a tight embrace. Smoothing down her hair, still drenched in the golden fluids. That did not matter to Ayesha; what mattered was the simple fact that Eve survived and could bring their species greatness.

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