Chapter 1: Creep

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When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye

You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world

Rocket sits on the sidewalk as the citizens of Knowhere walk pass him, going about their business, as he listens the song on Quill's zune. He stands up and hums along to the song and starts to walk. 

Meanwhile, Mantis was dancing in the street then she turns to Drax. "C'mon, Drax, dance." She said as Drax stands off to the side. "Only idiots dance." He grumbles then he starts to work on a pillar as Rocket walks pass them. 

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I wanna have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around

Nebula and Groot were working on the sign of a building and Kraglin and Cosmo were fighting over a rag while Meredith was sitting nearby, working on her blaster. She raises her head and sees Rocket then waves at him. He acknowledges her and waves at her before he goes into the bar. He enters it and sees Peter slumped over on a table, surrounded by bottles of alcohol.

Once Peter sees that Rocket had his zune, he starts to get up. "Hey! Uh-huh!" Peter slurs out as he gets up, knocking the bottles off of it, while Rocket goes over to the fridge. "I told you a million times to keep your grimy raccoon hands off of my zune." Peter shouts, drunkenly, as he grabs the zune out of his hands. "And I told you a million times, I'm not a damn raccoon." Rocket said as he grabs a drink and turns to Peter, who stares at him then falls over.

"They've been fighting again." Meredith said as her and Nebula appear at the doorway of the bar, Meredith giving her father a sympathetic look. Nebula sighs then goes over and picks Quill up, carrying him bridal-style, and they walk out of the bar.

Groot walks up to them, looking concerned, while Drax and Mantis watch them. "Again?" Drax asked, in a tone that suggests that this happens often. Nebula nods and the whole gang began walking together towards his house.

(Y/n) was sitting in the living room area, reading a book but not really paying attention to what it was saying. The argument between her and Peter kept playing in her mind when she heard a knock at the door. She gets up, opens it and sees Nebula carrying Peter, who was passed out. "Ugh, again?" She asked then she steps aside and let's Nebula in. 

"Thank you, Nebula. I owe you." (Y/n) said as Nebula sets Peter down on the bed. "You can do that by you two getting your crap together." Nebula said as she turns to (y/n). "I know, I know. We're trying..." (y/n) said and Nebula stares at her then walks out.

(Y/n) lets out a sigh then turns to Peter and starts to tuck him into bed. She placed the blanket over him then patted his shoulder when his hand comes up and placed it over her hand before she could pull it back. "I love you, (y/n)." He slurred and she gives a small smile at him, even though she was still angry and annoyed at him. "Love you too, you big lug." She mutters then she leans down and kissed his forehead. She stands up and Peter begins to snore and she scoffs out a laugh. 

She leaves the room and walks out into the living room, where Meredith was standing and she looks up at her mother. "Mom?" She said, with a concerned tone. "Yes, honey?" (Y/n) said. "You and Dad aren't breaking up, are you?" Meredith asked and (y/n) gives a look of concern. "Honey, no. No. Look..." (y/n) said as she kneels down to her daughter.

"Your father and I are just having a disagreement. That's all. We still love each other very much." (Y/n) said as she places her hands on Meredith's shoulders. "Really? Cause Dad only drinks like this when you guys fight and I've never heard you two yell at each other like that before." Meredith said and (y/n) frowns. "Mer, listen to me. I know it sounded bad but I promise, nothing is gonna break your father and I apart, okay? And also, we love you very, very much." (Y/n) said and Meredith stares at her for a moment then nods. 

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