Chapter 2: Let's Go Save Our Friend

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"A kills switch?" Peter said, confused, as he and the gang surround Rocket after they hooked him up to the Med-Bay. "A device set to destruct if anyone goes poking around inside him, or even if we use the Med-Paks." Nebula explains as she was hooked to the Med-Bay, seeing the status of Rocket.

"And why would Rocket have a kill switch?" (Y/n) asked her, concerned. "Apparently, someone considers him proprietary technology and sent that golden lunatic to get him." Nebula replied and Meredith grabs onto both her parents' arms. "So, he'll die if we operate on him?" Mantis asked. "And he'll die if we don't." Drax adds.
"There has to be some way to bypass it." Peter said. "It looks like there's a passkey that could override the kill switch." Nebula said as they all look at the X-Ray of Rocket's heart to see the kill switch. 

"What do we know about where Uncle Rocket came from?" Meredith asked, concerned. "He won't talk about it." Peter said, shaking his head slightly. "Much of the tech was developed by a company called OrgoCorp. And there's a code on all of it, 89P13. He's got maybe 48 hours." Nebula said and Peter's and (y/n)'s eyes widen at this, Meredith gasps.

Peter then turns away and walks off. "Where are you going?" Nebula asked him as everyone starts to follow him. "OrgoCorp have to have records, right? Maybe they'll have a way for us to override the kill switch and save Rocket." Peter said as he heads to the bridge. "They won't just give us that information." (Y/n) said as her, Meredith, Mantis and Drax walk up behind him. "Well, that's why we're gonna break in." Peter said, determined.

"We kill anyone who gets in our way!" Drax yells as they get to the bridge. "Not kill anyone." (Y/n) tells him. "Kill a few people." Drax said. "Kill no one." Peter said as he puts in a code. "Kill one guy, one stupid guy who no one loves." Drax said as he puts in a code then he starts to go to his chair. "Now you're just making it sad." Peter said as he walks past Drax and everyone gets into their seats and start the engine of the ship.

(Y/n) pushes some buttons and a video feed of Cosmo and Kraglin pop up as they were waiting outside of the ship. "Kraglin, Cosmo, I need you to keep watch over Knowhere till we're back. Couple of days, tops." (Y/n) said. "Ay, Cap'n." Kraglin said as Cosmo said. "Aye, comrade." 

Once (y/n) ends that call, Nebula got to work on the location of OrgoCorp. "I located the coordinates for OrgoCorp. I think I have a contact near there. Maybe they can help us get in." Nebula said through the speakers. "Contact him." Peter tells her and he flips on the stereo. "Let's go save our friend." Peter said and Since You Been Gone begins to play.


"It's bio-formed. Instead of being built, it's grown from living matter." Nebula said into the communicator as her, Meredith, (y/n) and Groot look out at the large, circular, fleshy looking object. Then she walks over to a screen that shows X-Rays of the place.

"The structure is surrounded by three impenetrable plastic security shields." Nebula explains. "It's not going to be easy to break into this place, Star-Lord." (Y/n) said, a bit of a sneer in her voice. "Doesn't have to be easy, (y/n). You and I were professional thieves, remember? I'll jam the signals one at a time." Peter says as he, Mantis and Drax walk towards the engine room and he ends the call.

"She calls me Star-Lord when she's mad at me." Peter grumbles as he walks up to one of the devices and opens up the hatch. "She has been a bit moody lately." Mantis said as she goes to press some buttons on a keypad. "It's because we've been fighting and I went and got drunk." Peter said as an electric orange filled container pops up. "She's right...if I hadn't been drinking, maybe Rocket..." Peter said as he takes a chip out of the container and puts it in his handheld device. 

"I'm sorry." Peter whispers. "It's okay. He's your best friend." Mantis said. "Second best friend." Drax corrects. "Everyone around me dies. My mother, Yondu, Gamora." Peter said then he stops and thinks then sighs. "I just know, one day, (y/n) and Meredith will be among that list too." He said. "Gamora isn't dead." Mantis corrects. "She is to us." Drax said then he turns to Peter and holds out a snack bag.

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