Chapter 7: I'm Done Runnin'

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Once the Bowie got close to High Evolutionary's ship, Peter pulls a lever and a part of the ship detaches from the rest of the ship and split off into three little ships, one Groot was driving and the second Rocket was driving. "Wait." Peter said as the ships float in front of the High Evolutionary's ship.

Then the disembodied head of a Centinal, that held the town of Knowhere, comes up behind the ship and a large cannon protrude out of the left eye of the head and fires at the ship. Angered by this, High Evolutionary ordered his people to release the Hellspawns to attack and kill everyone but bring Rocket to him.

"Spaceport wide open, Cap'n, but that old missile's all we had." Kraglin tells (y/n) and Peter. "Rocket, Groot, go, go! Get inside that spaceport." (Y/n) ordered and they split off and head towards the spaceport. Then an alarm goes off in Rocket's ship and he sees something flying out of the ship.

"What the hell?" Rocket said and the Hellspawns fly towards the three ships and attack, several of them attached themselves to Rocket's ship while Peter fires at the incoming attack. Until they see Adam Warlock flying towards them, who they had restrained back on the Bowie. "Aw, come on!" Peter said, exasperated, as Adam crashes into their ship and slides across the floor.

Their ship tailspins towards the High Evolutionary's ship while several Hellspawns' make their way into Knowhere. Meanwhile, Mantis, Nebula and Drax were thrown into a dark pit and heard noises surrounding them. Nebula turns her hand into a flashlight to see that there were three Abilisks coming at them. 

Kraglin and his crew go back to the town of Knowhere and help out the citizens as best as they could while Rocket was able to shake off the Hellspawns that surrounded his ship. Peter, Gamora, Meredith and (y/n) do their best to hang on as their ship spirals out of control. Peter tries to reach for the console keypad but was unable so Meredith was able to command Gizmo to go towards the keypad and put in a code.

Gamora noticed that Adam was about to attack so she grabbed the little pet he carried with him and holds it at gunpoint. "One more step and this weird thing gets it!" Gamora threatens. "Don't be rash." Adam said, holding a hand out, and the creature whimpers.

Fortunately, Gizmo puts in the code it needed and flies back towards Meredith while (y/n) reaches out to the steering arm and jerks it, making the ship crash into the High Evolutionary's ship and skid across the landing base. Meredith jumps out and tackles Gamora out of the ship while (y/n) uses her jet boots and flies her and Peter out of it.

They land and roll across the floor as their ship skids off and crashes, with Adam inside. Meredith, Gamora and the little creature had landed on their backs and took a minute while Peter and (y/n) rolled a few feet away from them. They stopped and (y/n) was on her back and Peter was on top of her.

They stared at the ship then Gamora turned to Meredith. "What was your little robot programming?" She asked and Meredith smirks. "A self-destruction code." Meredith replied and the ship explodes. Peter and (y/n) give a proud smile to her then they share a look, the looks on their face change from proud to loving. Then they lean towards each other and give a passionate kiss.

Meredith smiles at this while Gamora shakes her head. "Your parents have a weird way of expressing love." Gamora said as she stands up and helps Meredith up to her feet. "Maybe but...that's all that matters." Meredith said as Peter and (y/n) break the kiss and stare at each other.

"I love you and I am sorry for everything I said..." Peter said, apologetically, and (y/n) speaks up. "I'm sorry too. And, I also love big lug." She said and they smile and chuckle just as Rocket and Groot land into the landing bay.

Meanwhile, Mantis goes up to one of the Abilisks as she started to realize that these creatures don't eat people but batteries and that they might be scared. So she was able to use her powers to calm them down.

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