Chapter 8: I'm A Freakin' Guardian Of The Galaxy

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"There's a big hole up in the deck. If we connect that to Knowhere, we can lead the survivors to safety." (Y/n) said as they run down the hall. "Nebs and me will pilot the ship. You guys save all the higher life forms." Rocket said as he and Nebula split off from the others.

Drax, Gamora, Mantis and Groot go to save the kids and other creatures when Adam Warlock, who isn't dead, was about to attack Groot but he falls over and passes out.

Peter, (y/n) and Meredith run in towards the deck when they see three guards as they turn and aims their guns at them. They trio stop and raise their hands up. "Kill us if you want, but then good luck gettin' out of here." Peter tells them and the guards still aim their weapons but don't fire as they let the trio go.

"Wait!" One guard said. "Let them go,'s our only chance." The second guard tells him as Peter presses his comms button. "We got a space big enough to get through. We gotta find out if we can change it to a permeable shield." Peter said as (y/n) hits the shield on the wall.

Nebula then starts to pilot one side of the ship as she told Rocket to go help the others since he couldn't fly it with the flight controls damaged. Peter and Meredith, with the help of Gizmo, goes to work on the shield when they hear Gamora shout. "Come on, come on, come on! Go, go! Go, go, go!" 

They turn and see Gamora leading a crew of children as Groot carries Adam's unconscious body. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Stop, stop!" Gamora shouts as she and the group stop right at the shield right as they get closer to Knowhere.

Nebula and Kraglin do their best to get as close to each other as possible. Finally, they get the deck area right up to the right eye of the head. "Okay, Cosmo, stitch it up! It needs to be airtight for the kids to make it across." (Y/n) orders and Cosmo leans down. "Locking up, Kapitan." Cosmo said as she concentrates when the ships bump into each other. 

The kids scream right as Peter connects a couple of wires and the yellow shield turns blue, the kids cheer and the people of Knowhere begin to help them through. "One by one! One by one!" Gamora commanded as her, Mantis and Drax shepard then kids through. Groot makes it through and sets Adam's body down as Nebula said, in the comms. "Locking in and headed down." She said and she starts to make her way to the others.

Adam wakes up and looks up at Groot, shocked and surprised. "Why?" He asked and Groot looks at him. "Why ate you doing this? I tried to kill you." Adam said, confused. "I am Groot." Groot said. "He says, everyone deserves a second chance." Drax translates as he continues to usher kids through.

Cosmo begins to whimper and stumble a bit, which made the ship shift. Mantis runs over to her and places her hands on Cosmo. "You are strong." Mantis said and Cosmo gets back up and concentrates again. "Why are you so slow? Hurry!" Peter and (y/n) hear Nebula shout and they turn to see her running in with more kids.

"Where's Rocket?" Peter asked her. Nebula looked startled then she turns behind her then back at the others, worried.

Meanwhile, Rocket was helping some kids but then he heard some animal noises and he looks ahead to see a room full of cages with other animals inside. He walks up to one cage to see several baby raccoons. He stares at them then uses the key card he made all those years ago and opened the cage.

He looks at them then at the door to see they had several different names but one said that they were indeed, raccoons. The little raccoons walk up to him and one touches his snout and he begins to gather them up and they climb all over him. He starts to feel tears run down his face as he sees several other animals in cages.

"You!" A voice shouts and Rocket gasps and turns to see the High Evolutionary, the baby raccoons scatter. "You thought you could escape me!" He shouts as he charges at Rocket then uses his power to lift Rocket up, making him hit the roof.

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