Chapter 3: OrgoCorp

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Later, one of the Ravagers starts handing out red-orange jumpsuits to the Guardians. "What are these?" Drax asked as he looks at his suit. "OrgoCorp uniforms." Stakar informed him. "You're gonna have to wear these to move through the Orgo without attracting attention." 

"This isn't my color." Drax said, making Stakar turn around and walk over to Drax. "What did you say?" He asked, in a low threatening tone. "It clashes with my eyes." Drax said and the Ravagers all laugh. "Put it on!" Stakar shouts at Drax while Peter shakes his head and (y/n) face-palms at this.

Meredith looks up at her parents. "Do I have to stay here with these guys?" She asked, upset. "No, luckily, you'll be with Groot, Mer. We just don't even know if this place is safe for kids." (Y/n) said and Meredith nods. "Good, I didn't want to be around these assholes anyway." Meredith whispered and (y/n) slaps Peter on the shoulder, making him yelp in pain. "Peter!" She growls. "What?!" Peter exclaims. 

"Quit teaching our daughter how to swear." (Y/n) scolded as Peter rubs his shoulder. "Oh, I'm sure she's heard worse." Peter whisper-yells at her which earned a glare from (y/n). "I am Groot." Groot said as he comes up to them, proudly. "Thank you, Groot." (Y/n) said as Peter goes to one of the changing rooms while the others had already gone in and started changing in their suits.

"Gamora, we are grateful for your help." Mantis said as she looks over the door at Gamora. "Oh, I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I'm doing this for the hundred thousand units my sister promised." Gamora said, nodding towards Nebula, and the Ravagers chuckle at this.

"So, you're a Ravager now?" (Y/n) asked Gamora. "Put on the uniform." Gamora demanded. "Never pictured you as the Ravager type." (Y/n) said to her and Gamora turns to her. "Who are you again?" She asked her and (y/n) scoffs. "And yet you told me you were happy I gave your name to my daughter." (Y/n) grumbles as she goes over to one of the changing rooms while Gamora furrows her brow.

"OrgoCorp is in possession of some of the most advanced cybergenetic IP in the galaxy, so they're heavily guarded by the deadly Orgosentries. Now, I know you don't have documentation to dock, so you're gonna have to get in there on your own. Once in, Gamora is gonna lead you to the records, where maybe you can find the passkey to override the kill switch and help you save the hedgehog. But if you get into trouble, we will not be able to bail you out." Stakar explains.

Groot and Meredith go over to the Med-Bay and Groot stares at his old friend while Meredith goes to stand by the table and look down at Rocket, who was still breathing quickly through the breathing mask. "Don't worry, Uncle Rocket. We'll get you better." Meredith mumbles as she reaches out and, lightly, pets the top of Rocket's head.

After getting suited up, the gang stand on the side of the ship as the door opens. Each member wearing a different colored space suit. Peter in yellow, (y/n) in blue, Mantis in orange, Drax in red, Nebula in green, and Gamora in black. They all jump out of the ship and start to float down towards the Crop.

"There. That's the decompression chamber." Gamora said as she points to a spot on the surface. "Lock in." Peter said and all of them aim the device on the back of their hand and fire red lasers to it, which land on certain areas. "Go." Peter said and the little jets on the back of their suits push the gang towards the surface.

They land on it, making them kinda jump and float around the surface. "Activate gravity boots and gloves." (Y/n) orders and everyone does as she says and they all land on the spot Gamora pointed out. "Nebula, go." (Y/n) said and Nebula transforms her cybernetic arm into a laser and she gets to work on cutting the surface.

The others watch and wait for Nebula while Peter looks over at (y/n) as she kneels down. He does so as well, next to her, then he stares at her again and tries to think of what to say. He sighs through his nose then presses the blue button on the comms switch on his arm.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 (Star-Lord x Female!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang